Our Darwin Day 2017: In the Footsteps of Wallace

The Wallace Trail at Bukit Timah is named in honour of Alfred Russel Wallace, the British naturalist who independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection. He visited Singapore many times from 1854 – 1862 as part of his eight-year stay in the Malay archipelago. To get closer to the remaining primary forests, Wallace stayed with a French Roman Catholic missionary at St Joseph’s in Bukit Timah district. During his time in Singapore, Wallace trekked daily into the hilltops and collected thousands of insects and birds.

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Strategic offense-takers and their threat to Singapore

In multi-religious, multiracial Singapore, many Singaporeans will not hesitate to stand up on behalf of countrymen at the receiving end of racist jokes, insults and discrimination. From young, Singaporeans have been taught the importance of respecting different religions and cultural practices. Where public education is insufficient, the government has an array of legal tools to tackle instigators of religious and racial conflict. [Read more…]

Tatt Si’s speech at the EU Delegation to Singapore


Our President Tan Tatt Si delivered this speech at a dialogue regarding the ‘Freedom of religion or belief in Singapore and ASEAN’, organised by the EU Delegation to Singapore on Dec 9, 2016, at Raffles Hotel. Photos courtesy of European Union Delegation to Singapore. [Read more…]

Jerry Coyne at Yale-NUS College

Written by Nic Das, photos and video by Tatt Si

Professor Jerry Coyne took part in a dialogue regarding evolution, science and faith at Yale-NUS college. Dr Philip Johns from Yale-NUS moderated the dialogue, held on the evening of November 1, 2016. During the dialogue, Dr Coyne argued that the scientific method and religions are incompatible means of understanding the world. It is also difficult to separate science and religion into two neat categories answering different life questions because religious makes scientific statements. Dr Coyne also addressed several questions during the QnA segment.

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Acceptance of evolution is weak, even in the first-world: Dr Jerry Coyne

LKC-NHM from ThatMoment.sg on Vimeo

While not all religious people oppose evolution, religion remains the obstacle towards public acceptance of evolution in “large swathes” across the world today, said evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne. (Watch the full lecture above)

Speaking at a public lecture at National University of Singapore (NUS) on Oct 31, Dr Coyne lamented that despite the overwhelming empirical evidence in favor of evolution, public acceptance of the theory remains weak even in many first-world countries. [Read more…]

TOC: Amos Yee’s case: Dialogue should continue


We have written a letter in response to the Amos Yee case, urging for dialogue between the religious and non-religious. We would like to thank the TOC for publishing our letter:

http://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2016/10/13/amos-yees-case-dialogue-should-continue/ [Read more…]

TOC: A Better Life, a film about the non-religious, comes to Singapore


This is a pre-event article written for the TOC to promote filmmaker’s Chris Johnson’s visit to Singapore in September 2016. We would like to thank TOC for publishing our article.

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Speech in Taiwan: Religious Past, Humanism Future

This is a summary of our President Tan Tatt Si’s presentation at the International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organization (IHEYO) Asian Humanism Conference, held at National Taiwan University in Taiwan on August 6-7, 2016. The two-day conference, sponsored by IHEYO and hosted by Taiwanese humanists, also included speakers from various parts of Asia. Tatt Si was the first speaker.
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Humanists at the UnConference in NYGH

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Interfaith dialogues are a common feature in Singapore but since 2012, a different type of dialogue called the “UnConference” has been taking place annually at Nanyang Girls’ High School (NYGH). Instead of having a panel of religious leaders lead the dialogue, UnConference generates a dialogue from the ground-up, allowing participants to suggest their own topics and attend any discussion they fancy.

The Humanist Society (Singapore), or HumanistSG, has been sending representatives to the UnConference from 2014-2016. Although we are an NGO comprising of humanists, atheists, agnostics and other like-minded people, the Society also supports Singapore’s racial and religious harmony. This year, the UnConference was held on August 13.

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LoveSingapore’s troubling Wear White message

This statement was first published on 23 May 2016 as a note on our Facebook page. It was picked by Independent.sg and TODAY on the same day.

LoveSingapore’s Wear White message is troubling in a multi-cultural, diverse Singapore

On May 19, the LoveSingapore Christian network released a Facebook post launching the Wear White movement for 2016, calling on churches in its network to wear white. While the Wear White movement was founded two years ago by a Muslim religious teacher as a counter-movement to Pink Dot, LoveSingapore, as a Christian group, appears to be taking the lead this year. This year, the Wear White movement is scheduled on the same weekend (June 4-5) as Pink Dot, which will be held on June 4 at the Speakers’ Corner. [Read more…]