Skype Party – How did we handle plagues of the past?

We held our first Skype Party on 11 April 2020 during the Circuit Breaker in Singapore. After 10 straight years of monthly events, this is our first event completely held online. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, all physical events were cancelled and the Humanist Society adapted by launching our Humanism At Home initiative, consisting of Skype discussions (‘Skype Party’) and Watch Parties on Facebook.

The topic of the discussion:

How did various societies, religions and cultures handle the plagues of the past, and what lessons can we draw from the Black Death and the Spanish Flu

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Statement on a Facebook post made by NUS Atheist Society

You may have seen the article regarding a recent police investigation involving a post made by an ‘NUS Atheist Society’ Page on Facebook.

The Humanist Society (Singapore) finds this post unhelpful amid the current crisis. We are a community of non-religious people, founded upon values of reason and compassion. The post made by NUS Atheist Society is neither reasoned nor compassionate. NUS has also since stated that the Page is not affiliated with the university.

The evolving Covid-19 situation affects us all, regardless of race or religion. We would like to encourage productive and rational dialogue during this crisis. We should focus on disseminating facts, providing comfort, and promoting public unity amidst the pandemic.

Executive Committee
Humanist Society (Singapore)

Getting “the people thing” right

Seven years is a long time, as long as three of the four MNCs I used to work for in my 26 year career before HSS. I see things like Darwin sees evolution, something that volunteers with a couple of years at a stretch do not and cannot see.

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Separating Science from Nonsense: A Guide for Dummies

“There’s so much uncertainty in life,” said Dr Teja Celhar, a research scientist at A*STAR, at the end of the latest public lecture held by the Humanist Society Singapore (HSS) on Saturday (Sep 28). “Knowing how some parts of life works – that is comforting to me.”

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Speech: Protecting Vulnerable Groups against Religious Intolerance, Overreach of Minister’s Powers and Inclusion of Non-Religious Persons

The following speech was delivered by NMP Anthea Ong on 7 Oct 2019 in Parliament, in support of the Maintenance of Religious Harmony (Amendment) Bill. The speech marks the first time the Humanist Society (Singapore) was mentioned in Parliament, in recognition of our many years of interfaith efforts.

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Reply to Mothership : Religious Refugees

(This open letter was published on 29th September 2019, on HSS Facebook page)

Thanking for its article on Closeted Ex-Muslims

The Humanist Society Singapore (HSS) would like to thank for bringing up the plight of the invisible class of religious refugees in Singapore, in its 22nd September 2019 online article <Despite rising numbers of atheistic Singaporeans, this ex-Muslim remains closeted >.

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Event summary: Asian Humanism Conference 2019


After a gap of four years, the annual Asian Humanism Conference returned to Singapore in 2019. Whereas previous conferences focused on humanism, on the public day of this year’s conference, 6 July 2019, the exploration of relations between communities with different belief systems took a central role.

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Panellist: Nazhath Faheema

The Asian Humanism Conference (AHC) is an annual meeting of humanists across Asia, aimed to strengthen networks across people and humanist organisations in the pan-Asian region, as well as offer training and capacity building.

As part of AHC 2019, Nazhath Faheema, Founder of hash.peace and General Manager of Inter-Religious Organisation, was a part of a panel discussion on inter-faith dialogue. Read the event summary here.

Nazhath Faheema

Speaker Profile

Nazhath Faheema is the founder of hash.peace as well as General Manager of the Inter-Religious Organisation. She is also an advocate of racial and religious diversity, undertaking initiatives that promote the cultivation of a peacekeeping culture at homes and workplaces.

Topic of panel: Inter-Belief & Inter-Activity

The inter-belief panel will explore the intersection of humanism, inter-belief, as well as secularism and discuss the relevance of such work in the modern Asian society.

Other speaker profiles

Asian Humanism Conference 2019 Programme

Friday, 5 July 2019 CLOSED-DOOR
Time Programme Venue
13:00 Registration RELC International Hotel Room 603
13:30 Welcome and Orientation
14:00 Closed-door presentations by delegates and organisation representatives of the Asian Working Group
15:00 Coffee Break
15:30 Asian Working Group Internal Meeting RELC International Hotel Room 603
16:30 Closing Remarks
17:00 End of Programme & Dinner
Saturday, 6 July 2019 OPEN TO PUBLIC
Time Programme Venue
09:00 Welcome Remarks Tan Tatt Si RELC International Hotel Rooms 603 & 604
09:45 Opening Address: Starting From the Lowest Common Denominator Anthea Indira Ong
10:15 Coffee Break
10:45 Empowering All Women in a Secular Society Siti Noor Mastura RELC International Hotel Rooms 603 & 604
11:15 Panel Presentation & Discussion: Inter-Belief & Inter-Activity
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Workshop 1: Handling Offence Woon Chet Choon RELC International Hotel Rooms 603 & 604
14:30 Workshop 2: Fake News, Media, and Communications Jamilah Lim & Xue Jianyue
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Excursion Briefing RELC International Hotel Rooms 603 & 604
16:30 Excursion Museum Visit: Faith and Belief Asian Civilisations Museum
18:30 End of Programme
Time Programme Venue
10:00 Brunch Meeting
12:00 R&R
14:00 End of Programme

Speakers: Jamilah Lim & Sze Jianyue

The Asian Humanism Conference (AHC) is an annual meeting of humanists across Asia, aimed to strengthen networks across people and humanist organisations in the pan-Asian region, as well as offer training and capacity building.

As part of of AHC 2019, on Saturday, 6 July 2019, Humanist Society (Singapore) had the honour of hosting Jamilah Lim and Sze Jianyue as speakers. Read the event summary here.

Jamilah Lim

Speaker Profiles

Jamilah is a media professional with over 8 years of experience in communications, PR, editorial and digital marketing, who engages in activism and advocacy work incorporating research content creation content curation and events management with a feminist as well as a humanist organisation.

Jianyue holds degrees in communications and international relations and is a former published journalist. He has provided media coverage related to public transport, technology and the environment and volunteers as a facilitator at Explorations into Faith (EiF) and at the Humanist Society (Singapore).

Workshop: Fake News, Media, and Communications

This workshop will teach individuals and organisations how to deal with fake news and misinformation, as well as handle sensitive topics in a tactful manner. It will also discuss what are some of the digital skills needed by organisations to get their message across to the right audience effectively.

Other speaker profiles