Archives for December 2020

Farewell 2020

(Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images)

It has been a difficult year for the world, with many nations still struggling to contain the Covid-19 pandemic. In the fight against the virus, prolonged lockdowns have affected livelihoods, separated families, grounded air travel, and brought a chill to festive seasons not seen in many decades. Healthcare personnel have also sacrificed their time, and sometimes their lives, in the frontline effort against the pandemic. Overall, the pandemic has put humanity as a whole to a severe test.

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Film Review:「Dear Tenant」

 (Spoilers Alert)

「 Dear Tenant 」is a social-awakening movie, about Taiwan’s, and perhaps Asia’s societal mistreatment of gay males. The story revolves around the protagonist Jianyi, a gay person, who lives under the tenancy of his male partner/lover’s mother (Grandma Wang) who knows of the relationship. Jianyi cares for the partner’s nine-year-old son Wang Youyu from the previous (heterosexual) marriage, and for landlord Grandma Wang, who suffers from septic diabetes. 

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IRO Youth 2020 Year End Catchup

The society participated in a long-await in-person event at the Asian Civilisation Museum organized by the Inter-Religious Organization Youth Wing. A quick 30mins tour was conducted by volunteer tour guides bringing small groups of 5 youths from different religious or irreligious background into the Level 2 gallery “Faith and Belief” and the new exhibit titled “Faith Beauty Love Hope”.

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