IRO Youth 2020 Year End Catchup

The society participated in a long-await in-person event at the Asian Civilisation Museum organized by the Inter-Religious Organization Youth Wing. A quick 30mins tour was conducted by volunteer tour guides bringing small groups of 5 youths from different religious or irreligious background into the Level 2 gallery “Faith and Belief” and the new exhibit titled “Faith Beauty Love Hope”.

Takeaways from the gallery

The youths were impressed by the how the asian civilisations influenced, adopted, and adapted the various religions throughout history to their understanding, local culture, and needs. The youths agreed that the humans are incredibly adaptable, and that we have all managed to adapt to the “new-normal” during this pandemic to various extend. They also saw how different religions share some common symbols, teachings, and tenets, and thought that perhaps the different faiths are more similar than different.

The museum, galleries, and guided tour are eye-opening and residents in Singapore should definitely visit soon.