Archives for October 2020

Remembering James Randi

Magician. Investigator. Sceptic. These were various terms that James Randi will be remembered by.

For many decades, this was the man who debunked egregious paranormal claims with his insightful and amusing demonstrations. But alas, on October 20, 2020, the entertainer who had inspired an entire generation of sceptics had passed away.

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HSS Celebrates Mid-Autumn with Thong Teck Home for Senior Citizens

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Humanist Society (Singapore) 10th Year Anniversary

On this day ten years ago (10/10/10), the Humanist Society (Singapore) came into being. We started with only 13 members and almost no resources. All we had was a common dream, to build an organisation dedicated to raising awareness of the non-religious and protecting the secular space. Above all, we wanted to help promote rationalism, evidence-based thinking and compassion in the public sphere. 

Here are some moments at our founding:

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