Our last event of the month was the lively Secular Assembly held at HDG on 28 Dec 2024, complete with an optional 45-minute excursion through the HDG gallery. For those who arrived early or simply wanted to explore, the gallery tour offered a fascinating look at the venue’s history, exhibits, and art pieces that beautifully complemented the spirit of our gathering.
Year-in-Review Reflection
After the gallery excursion, our co-founder and Secular Assembly Programme Director, Dan Thio, led a guided reflection session on three key areas: health, relationships, and meaningful work or passions. Through a series of thoughtful prompts, participants took a moment to identify their personal achievements, challenges, and the valuable lessons they learned over the course of the year. This introspective exercise allowed everyone to connect more deeply with themselves and to consider how they might carry these insights into the new year.
Sing-Along Session
Rounding out the evening was a sing-along led by our enthusiastic member, Lava. We sang two tunes that captured both the festive mood and the sense of togetherness at this time of year:
• Christmas Is a Time to Say I Love You
• Auld Lang Syne
Voices rose in unison, bringing a heartwarming close to our December events. Whether you joined for the gallery tour, the reflection, or simply for the good company, we appreciate everyone who made this final Secular Assembly a memorable one! We look forward to welcoming you at future gatherings as we continue to foster community, personal growth, and humanist values.