Hanging out with Humanist on 3 May 2024
We enjoyed yet another delightful evening hangout session. Two new guests joined us, Dr. Bern Johnston and his wife from Penang, who stopped by to say hello. It turns out they are old friends of HSS who had been out of touch for a while but have now reconnected with us. As always, the evening was filled with lively discussions, and our table was one of the more animated ones in the room.
We discussed the session from last month, during which we had to endure a guest who spent two hours arguing that humanism is futile in addressing conflicts like the Gaza war or global issues. Consensus was unanimous among us that we welcome such interventions as a form of entertainment. It seemed apparent that the individual may have been seeking attention and attempting to provoke a reaction from us, but his efforts were met with indifference. Eventually, he left the group.
Note : We have more people actually. Not everybody is in this picture.
Zoomify Fridays on 24 May 2024
Our second Zoomify Friday session. Zoomify Friday is a casual and complimentary online social event designed to connect like-minded individuals and expand your network within the humanist community.
This session, we were delighted to be joined by friends from Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
They shared their visions for the future of humanism and recognized HSS as a beacon for the Humanism movement in Southeast Asia. They appreciated Zoomify Fridays as a platform to connect globally and expressed hope that future sessions will attract even more humanists.
We were also joined by another group attending an HSS social event at one of our member’s homes, enjoying a movie night. They shared their thoughts on the film they had just watched about Hypatia of Alexandria.