The Humanist Society (Singapore) looks back at 2022, a good year where most Covid-19 restrictions were lifted and we were able to organize several good events. We were happy to reconnect with old friends and welcome new faces.
Some things to remember this year:
Darwin Day 2022

To commemorate Darwin Day 2022, we organized a hike around Bukit Timah where Alfred Russel Wallace, the British naturalist who independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection spent some time in the years between 1854 – 1862.
On the morning of 26 Feb, we covered the Old KTM Railway, Hindhede Bridge, Rail Corridor, Upper Bukit Timah Truss Bridge, Hillview MRT station, St. Joseph Church (Bukit Timah). We were led by a guide from the Nature Society (Singapore), Hang Chong. During our visit to St Joseph’s, we were given a tour by church volunteers.
Improved support through Humanist Cafe

We relaunched the Humanist Cafe in May 2022 with a stronger programme aimed at providing peer support for the non-religious at multiple stages of life. Guided by facilitators, participants shared their life experience during the five Cafes (click to read more):
- Growing Up (May)
- Becoming Freethinkers (June)
- Challenges in Life (July)
- Finding purpose in life (August)
- Death Cafe (Sept)
Over the five sessions, we learnt that the non-religious actually have good coping mechanisms, except they are all personalized and often private to each individual. The non-religious also have diverse experiences in the process of leaving faith, with some finding it more difficult than others, and such personal experiences have influenced how they see religion in their later years. Organizing more events is key to bringing such experiences together.
Interfaith Outreach

We ramped up our interfaith efforts with the other communities in Singapore, inviting many people to be our panelists. Interfaith events this year include:
- The Paradox of Interfaith Secularism on 12 Nov (photos above)
- What about Cancel Culture: Navigating Controversial Topics from an Interfaith Perspective, 21 May
- Virtues and ethics: Faith-based and secular views, 8 Feb
On 14 May 2022, representatives from the Humanist Society Singapore attended an informal dialogue with their counterparts of the Baháʼí faith.

After some friendly introductions and snacks, we exchanged perspectives on humanism, atheism, the Baháʼí faith, and the interfaith scene in Singapore. Following our discussions, we were offered a short tour around the three-storey shophouse where the Baháʼí Centre is located.
New interfaith guide book
On the final interfaith session (12 Nov), we launched a new interfaith guidebook, which can be downloaded here.

Interfaith and interracial dialogue is not rocket science. It can be done by anyone, as long as there is an open mind and a good heart. In this spirit, we have written this guidebook to help individuals navigate touchy conversations.
Helping the needy at Read for Books 2022
The Humanist Society (Singapore) is a participating organization of Read for Books 2022:

Organized by the National Reading Movement, Read for Books is a charity book drive to raise awareness and share the gift of reading with the less privileged. From 1 August to 31 August 2022, for every 10 people who read for 15 minutes, one book will be donated to selected beneficiaries. Beneficiaries for Read for Books 2022 are WondeRead and the Migrant Worker Library.
In total, more than 20 humanists participated this year.
Demystifying the non-religious

In October 2022, the Humanist Society held a presentation and focus group discussions to present all the available research done on the non-religious in Singapore. The discussion was divided into 4 themes: 1) What is the exact composition of the non-religious in SG? 2) What are their views on key national issues? 3) What misconceptions / problems do they face? 4) How can the Humanist Society better serve the non-religious?
We had an excellent discussion. In general, participants called for the HSS to organize more events to strengthen community building.
Pink Dot 2022

On 18 June 2022, Pink Dot came back in full physical form after two years of Covid-19 restrictions. The Humanist Society has a booth at the Community Tent where we showcased our activities, such as interfaith dialogues and peer support activities, to the public.
A couple of months after Pink Dot, we received the good news that 377A will finally be repealed. In response, we issued this statement on 21 August 2022.
The Humanist Society (Singapore) celebrates the recent announcement regarding the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code (S377A).
S377A, a vestige of British colonial rule, criminalised sex between consenting male adults. It dehumanised individuals, infringed upon the most personal of liberties, and imposed a religious code on a secular public.
We note that while some individuals or organisations may have disagreed with the repeal, we hope that they will eventually come around to see that building a fairer, more inclusive, secular society benefits everyone, regardless of race, language, religion, or sexual orientation.
With this repeal, we can look forward to a more progressive Singapore society, based on justice and equality.
Executive Committee
Humanist Society (Singapore)
Barbeque 2022

Our BBQ returned after an absence of two years. Held in September 2022, around 40 humanists came together and enjoyed good food. For the early birds, they even enjoyed a good swim!
Hike at the Old Bukit Timah Railway Station

On 24 July, we organised a hike at the newly revamped Old Bukit Timah Railway Station to get a glimpse of what life used to be like. In addition, we visited a lesser known part of Singapore, the massive Bukit Timah Diversion Canal and Bukit Timah Diversion Canal Wetlands.