3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Humanist Cafe is a monthly gathering aimed at providing peer support for the non-religious at multiple stages of life. Guided by facilitators, participants can share their life experience along one of the five themes marking life’s milestones. At the Cafe, you are able to give and draw support from fellow participants in the process.
[Slots are limited. Please register here early. Venue to be confirmed after registration.]
This month’s theme: Becoming a freethinker

One in five Singaporeans are non-religious. Some people left their religion of birth. Some were born into non-religious families but at one point of time, was convinced to stay non-religious after weighing different worldviews. A few took a syncretic approach, taking a leaf from different religions.
To some, the process of leaving faith is a long struggle, with long stretches spent in doubt. For others, it is an easy process and not a big deal. Some remained in the closet forever, fearing backlash. The disparity of experiences meant that often, one freethinker may not always empathize with another’s life journey. This is changing, however, as freethinkers form supporting communities worldwide.
If you consider yourself a freethinker (atheist, agnostic, skeptic, secular humanist etc.), we would like to invite you to our Humanist Cafe in June! Here, we will share personal stories of the process of how we became freethinkers.
We can discuss the intellectual and emotional thoughts that influenced our decisions, and for those who grew up in deeply religious families, the challenges we found in getting acceptance.
Facilitators will also share resources from Humanist International and non-religious community groups worldwide.