HSS Humanism video makes it into Australian religious studies textbook

Humanist Society Singapore was recently approached by an Australian publisher for permission to include our video “What is Humanism” in their new digital textbook “Cambridge Studies of Religion” by authors Chris Hartney and Jon Noble.

What is Humanism? – A Humanist Society Singapore video production

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National Day Community Service – Beach Cleanup at East Coast

This cleanup is part of a new Humanist Society annual initiative called National Day Community Service. where every year in August, we will roll up our sleeves and take part in various projects to help the needy and protect the environment. This is also our first physical event since the Circuit Breaker. Safety precautions were taken.

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NDP Special Offer!

Special offer! In celebration of Singapore’s 55th birthday this month, we are selling red and white humanist bottles and mugs at discounted prices. Buy your own humanist mug at $9.90 each, and a humanist bottle at $12 each. This offer ends on 21 Aug 2020, midnight.

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Reflections on Racial Harmony

Every year, on the 21st of July, Singapore observes Racial Harmony Day commemorating the tragic 1964 race riots, which, half a century ago, threatened to tear our city apart. Since then, Singaporeans have worked hard to prevent history from repeating itself by rebuilding trust between ethnic groups and fostering harmonious interracial relations.

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Response to Archbishop William Goh’s Sermon, Fear God or Fear Man.

On 21 June 2020, Archbishop William Goh of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore delivered an online sermon titled “Fear God or Fear Man.” The sermon was followed by a written sermon published on the website. As of 1 July, the online sermon has attracted over 5,500 views on Facebook and 5,100 views on Youtube. Given the widespread viewership, the Humanist Society (Singapore), or HSS for short, would like to respond to some of the points delivered.

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The ZOOMba Gold experience

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world hard. Singapore was not spared. People from all walks of life were affected as circuit-breaker measures were implemented during the second quarter of 2020.

In such times, when social distancing was enforced, vulnerable sectors of the population were disproportionately affected. This includes the elderly. The stream of volunteers bringing life to Thong Teck Home for Senior Citizens had slowed significantly.

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World Humanist Week 2020

From 21-27 June 2020, the Humanist Society (Singapore) will hold World Humanist Week, combining our World Humanist Day with our Pink Dot activities and a third event that will hold discussions on humanism. With the continued Covid-19 pandemic, we will also be distributing ear savers to our members who need it.

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Darwin Day 2019: Raffles as a Naturalist

The year 2019 is the 200th anniversary of Sir Stamford Raffles’ founding of modern Singapore.  On Darwin Day 2019, the Humanist Society (Singapore) invited Dr John van Wyhe to deliver a lecture on Raffles’ lesser known side a naturalist in Southeast Asia. Dr John is a British historian of science, with a focus on Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, at the National University of Singapore. We have published a transcript of his lecture below:

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Scientist looks to combat pseudoscience amidst COVID-19

As the COVID-19 outbreak worsens worldwide, people are increasingly desperate for any remedy to fight the scourge. Occasionally, snake oil salesmen will peddle pseudoscience just to make a quick buck from the ill-informed and vulnerable. We can do our part by practising media and scientific literacy, engaging in civil and empathetic discussion, and looking out for one another.

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Skype Party 3 – Food security in Singapore

As part of our #HumanismAtHome initiative, we held a Skype group chat (‘Skype Party’) on May 9 (Sat), discussing food security in Singapore. It was an informative and highly engaging discussion lasting 1.5 hours. A local farmer in Singapore, Ms Eng Ting Ting from Urban Farm and Barn, joined us and shared her experience as a microgreens farmer.

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