Film Review:「Dear Tenant」

 (Spoilers Alert)

「 Dear Tenant 」is a social-awakening movie, about Taiwan’s, and perhaps Asia’s societal mistreatment of gay males. The story revolves around the protagonist Jianyi, a gay person, who lives under the tenancy of his male partner/lover’s mother (Grandma Wang) who knows of the relationship. Jianyi cares for the partner’s nine-year-old son Wang Youyu from the previous (heterosexual) marriage, and for landlord Grandma Wang, who suffers from septic diabetes. 

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IRO Youth 2020 Year End Catchup

The society participated in a long-await in-person event at the Asian Civilisation Museum organized by the Inter-Religious Organization Youth Wing. A quick 30mins tour was conducted by volunteer tour guides bringing small groups of 5 youths from different religious or irreligious background into the Level 2 gallery “Faith and Belief” and the new exhibit titled “Faith Beauty Love Hope”.

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Palliative Care for the Non-Religious

The Humanist Society (Singapore) has conducted some research into non-religious perspectives on palliative care for non-religious individuals.

We would like to bring up two articles below, and have provided a summary. 

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My internship experience at the Humanist Society

Hello all! My name is Lionel, or as my internship supervisor Dan Thio will call me, Chonky. I was an operations intern at the Humanist Society from September to October 2020.

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Love Amidst a Pandemic Thing

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many couples to adjust their wedding plans. Our Humanist Celebrant, Mr Tan Tatt Si, shares some moments from a Humanist wedding in Singapore.

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Remembering James Randi

Magician. Investigator. Sceptic. These were various terms that James Randi will be remembered by.

For many decades, this was the man who debunked egregious paranormal claims with his insightful and amusing demonstrations. But alas, on October 20, 2020, the entertainer who had inspired an entire generation of sceptics had passed away.

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HSS Celebrates Mid-Autumn with Thong Teck Home for Senior Citizens

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Humanist Society (Singapore) 10th Year Anniversary

On this day ten years ago (10/10/10), the Humanist Society (Singapore) came into being. We started with only 13 members and almost no resources. All we had was a common dream, to build an organisation dedicated to raising awareness of the non-religious and protecting the secular space. Above all, we wanted to help promote rationalism, evidence-based thinking and compassion in the public sphere. 

Here are some moments at our founding:

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Hiking at the Southern Ridges

On 26 September 2020, the Humanist Society organized a hike at the Southern Ridges. With most of us still working from home due to Phase 2, this is a rare chance to meet up with fellow humanists, get closer to nature and enjoy a hilltop view of the city.

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HSS Humanism video makes it into Australian religious studies textbook

Humanist Society Singapore was recently approached by an Australian publisher for permission to include our video “What is Humanism” in their new digital textbook “Cambridge Studies of Religion” by authors Chris Hartney and Jon Noble.

What is Humanism? – A Humanist Society Singapore video production

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