Dialogue with Chris Johnson: Presenting a meaningful alternative to religion


This is a summary of the film director Chris Johnson’s visit to Singapore on Sept 16-17, where he took part in two separate screenings of “A Better Life: An Exploration of Joy & Meaning in a World Without God”.

Instead of just criticizing religion and the damage it does, the atheist movement should present meaningful alternatives such through the good lives they led and communities they built, according to ‘A Better Life’ film director Chris Johnson in Singapore last weekend. [Read more…]

TOC: A Better Life, a film about the non-religious, comes to Singapore


This is a pre-event article written for the TOC to promote filmmaker’s Chris Johnson’s visit to Singapore in September 2016. We would like to thank TOC for publishing our article.

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Young Humanist SG meetup #1

HSS logo for Facebook 2

Sept 3, 2016

A week after launching our youth page, the Humanist Society (Singapore) – HumanistSG for short – held a meeting with tertiary education students and alumni alongside our annual BBQ. About 15 students and some alumni joined in, including many students from NUS! Also present were students from NTU, SMU and TP. After a round of introductions among the students and alumni, HumanistSG representatives explained the purpose of starting a youth wing and building a humanist network in teritary education institutions. [Read more…]

Our first celebrant service


By Tan Tatt Si

On August 28, the Humanist Society (Singapore) performed our first celebrant service. While we had other humanist services in the past, this was the first time we are doing it in our organization’s name, ushering in a new chapter in humanist celebrant service here. [Read more…]

Join the Humanist Society! (Video)

Our founding President, Paul Tobin, introduces the Humanist Society (Singapore), a community of humanists, freethinkers, atheists, agnostics and other like-minded people. Since our founding in 2010, we have held many public talks, social networking events and community work activities.

Our thanks and appreciation goes to That Moment Studio for filming and to photographer Ruey Loon for post-production.

Have you watch our short introduction to Humanism?

If you are ready to join us, find out the different ways of supporting the society and the membership here (free for students!).

Speech in Taiwan: Religious Past, Humanism Future

This is a summary of our President Tan Tatt Si’s presentation at the International Humanist and Ethical Youth Organization (IHEYO) Asian Humanism Conference, held at National Taiwan University in Taiwan on August 6-7, 2016. The two-day conference, sponsored by IHEYO and hosted by Taiwanese humanists, also included speakers from various parts of Asia. Tatt Si was the first speaker.
[Read more…]

Humanists at the UnConference in NYGH

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Interfaith dialogues are a common feature in Singapore but since 2012, a different type of dialogue called the “UnConference” has been taking place annually at Nanyang Girls’ High School (NYGH). Instead of having a panel of religious leaders lead the dialogue, UnConference generates a dialogue from the ground-up, allowing participants to suggest their own topics and attend any discussion they fancy.

The Humanist Society (Singapore), or HumanistSG, has been sending representatives to the UnConference from 2014-2016. Although we are an NGO comprising of humanists, atheists, agnostics and other like-minded people, the Society also supports Singapore’s racial and religious harmony. This year, the UnConference was held on August 13.

[Read more…]

“Terrorism has no religion”: discard this divisive slogan

The Humanist Society (Singapore) sets out our position regarding the slogan “Terrorism has no religion”.

As Singapore celebrates Racial Harmony Day this month, we are mindful that the terrorist threat to Singapore is at its highest in decades. Singapore’s political leaders has emphasised that the question is not whether a terrorist attack will happen here, but when it will happen.

It is an unfortunate fact that most terrorist attacks in major cities have been perpetuated under the banner of radical Islamic ideology. A similar attack in Singapore will undoubtedly have ramifications on the relationship between persons of different races and faiths.

After each attack by the Islamic State or its adherents (also known as ISIS/ DAESH), ordinary citizens, political and religious leaders often condemn the attackers by asserting that “terrorism has no religion”. However the Humanist Society (Singapore) suggest that this is a divisive slogan which discriminates against people with no religion.

The statement ‘terrorism has no religion’ can also be read as saying that the terrorists were in fact irreligious. Such interpretation even more glaring in reactions stating that the terrorists were “not true Muslims” or “not true believers” – therefore by implication having no religion. The logical conclusion of such statements is that atheism, or the lack of religion, is the root of terrorism instead.

While the slogan was formulated to guard against racial or religious prejudice, it inevitably casts aspersions against persons who have no religion. The Society is concerned that such sentiments may lead to further contempt and discrimination against people who do not subscribe to organised religion. We suggest that a better rallying call is “United against Terrorism”.

It is simplistic to think that merely disassociating religious ideology from terrorism will guard society against terrorism. Society’s collective response to a terrorist attack involve physical responses like the newly established Rapid Deployment Troops, as well as social and psychological responses such as the further strengthening of our multi-racial, multi-religious fabric.

We therefore call upon the Singapore government to step up national defense programmes regarding psychological defense, and the Inter-Religious Organisation and other grassroots organisations to conduct inter-faith events where the aftermath of a potential terrorist attack in Singapore can be honestly and frankly addressed.

Some links for reference:


Effective Altruism Workshop (Video summaries)

HumanistSG and Effective Altruism Singapore co-organised an Effective Altruism workshop on May 15. Here are all the videos from the workshop. For the skype with Peter Singer, here’s a seperate video and summary.

Introduction to Effective Altruism

Zheng Huifen – Giving: Limited Resources, Maximum Impact

Other videos:

World Humanist Day 2016 Video

We organised our World Humanist Day celebrations on June 18 this year. The theme is Humanists: Be The Change. The talks are by speakers who represent organisations that make positive changes to their communities. These talks also aim to explore how we can make the most of our one life in a meaningful way for ourselves and others.

At the conference, we brought Humanitarian workers from MSF, UNHCR, Relief 2.0 & HappyPeopleHelpingPeople. The event, held at the Tampines Regional Library, attracted close to a hundred participants. In addition to the guest speakers, we also held members-only workshops on critical thinking and media writing.

The speakers featured in the video are:

1) Robin Low, Relief 2.0
2) Dr Marlene Lee, Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
3) Vivian Tan, UNHCR
4) Mohammad Nafiz Bin Kamarudin, Happy People Helping People

More information about the speakers and their presentations can be found here: https://humanist.org.sg/events/world-humanist-day-2016/