Humanism Advanced Workshop: Foundations of Modern Civilization

At this workshop, held on 18 May 2024 at, we grapple with existential questions: “Who are we?” and “Where did we come from?”

The two hour workshop was an examination of our past, wherein we dived deeper into the foundations of our current society.

It consists of 2 segments:

The first portion of the workshop delivered by our Asst Secretary Jan, who proceeded to deliver a succinct but information-laden speech on the pillars of modern society, shedding light on the infrastructure that sets us apart from our societal counterparts in ancient times.

Guiding us through a deep dive into the various components of a nation state: Defense, Legislation, Education, Industry, Finance, Health, Culture and Democracy, our focus is directed to the systems we need to defend for a safe and prosperous nation, and we are informed of the threats posed toward them.

As Humanists, it is our prerogative to keep these pillars that preserve our human well-being safe and secure.

Sree then, zoomed out, explaining to us the history of everything. We zoom out all the way from our current day, to the Big Bang, finally culminating in the question of “Why this all matters”. As we learn, through his speech, to appreciate just how far as a race, and as the only life in our local observable universe we have come, finally, we discuss the merits and cons of nihilism, and discussion after brought on the concept of “Optimistic Nihilism”, a view where we choose our values, our meaning, and afford ourselves self-forgiveness, for our mistakes are not eternal.

All in all, a technical session, nuanced and rife with clarification and disagreement, leading to learning for all.

Letters to HumanistSG: My child is starting to learn about religion. How can I provide guidance as a non-religious parent?

Letters to HumanistSG is a column where we reply to appeals for advice/help from non-religious individuals.

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek advice regarding my child, who has recently started learning about religion from friends in school.

As a non-religious parent, I respect others’ right to their beliefs, but I want to ensure my child develops a well-rounded perspective without feeling pressured.

Could you offer guidance on how to discuss religious topics with my child in a balanced way? 

I aim to foster an environment of understanding and critical thinking, allowing my child to explore different viewpoints.

Any suggestions on age-appropriate resources or conversation starters would be greatly appreciated.

My goal is to support my child’s curiosity and growth while emphasizing the importance of empathy, respect, and open-mindedness.

Thank you for your time and assistance.


(Name has be redacted for privacy)

Our reply

Dear Lin,

Thank you for reaching out and for your thoughtful approach to this important issue.

It’s wonderful that you aim to foster an environment of understanding, critical thinking, and open-mindedness for your child. Here are some suggestions that might help:

  • Start with a foundation in science and critical thinking. Young children often grasp concrete ideas more easily before moving on to abstract concepts. Encourage curiosity by discussing how the natural world works, which can serve as a basis for exploring more complex topics later on.

  • When discussing religion, consider leading by example. Share your values through actions and explanations like, “I do good because it helps others and makes the world a better place.” This helps your child understand morality without relying on religious frameworks.

  • Engage in open-ended discussions. When your child asks about religion, respond with questions such as, “What do you think?” This encourages them to explore their thoughts and form their own opinions. It also reinforces the importance of critical thinking.

  • Highlight human potential and resilience. Explain that while bad things happen, humans have the power to make positive changes. This can instill a sense of empowerment and responsibility in your child.

  • Introduce religion as a spectrum of beliefs. Exposure to different religions can be educational and help your child develop empathy and respect for diverse perspectives. Be present during these discussions to provide guidance and context.

  • Teach the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you want to be treated.” This simple yet powerful principle can guide your child’s interactions and understanding of morality.

[Some books suitable for children in non-religious families]

What is humanism? How do I live without a god? And other big questions for kids (Wayland) by Michael Rosen and Annemarie Young (ages 8-14).

Belonging and Believing: My Humanist Family (Books at Press) by Gill Vaisey (ages 4-7) – learn about the lived experiences of a young boy and his humanist family

Atheism for Kids (Winter House Books) by Jessica Thorpe is a short introduction for younger children to what it means to be an atheist.

And for young adults we recommend The Young Atheist’s Handbook by Alom Shaha.

Source: Humanist UK

Remember, teaching is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient and open to your child’s questions and perspectives. Encourage them to think independently while providing a loving and supportive environment.

I hope these suggestions help. Supporting your child’s curiosity and growth while emphasizing empathy and respect is a commendable goal.

You might also want to read about this support session for non-religious parents:

Please feel free to reach out if you need further assistance.

Letters to HumanistSG: I’m so stressed at school, and I envy how my friends have God to turn to. What can I do?

Letters to HumanistSG is a column where we reply to appeals for advice/help from non-religious individuals.


I’ve been feeling very stressed lately… 

It is my final year in school and I’m struggling to keep up with the exam preparations. My life has been nothing but non-stop revision, and after school I still have tuition.  

My friends are feeling under pressure too, and I really envy how they have God to turn to. They also have prayer groups in school and I see them exchanging exam notes with each other…

I found out about the Humanist Society on IG recently. This is great because I’m a freethinker, and I don’t feel like joining a religious group yet. 

Does the Humanist Society provide any support for freethinkers who are feeling stressed? 

– TY

(True name redacted for privacy)

Our reply

Dear TY,

I’m truly sorry to hear how stressed you’re feeling. The final year of school is demanding, and adding tuition on top of your long school hours can be overwhelming!

It’s important to recognize that you are not alone in this struggle. While your friends find solace in their faith and prayer groups, there are other ways to find support and strength.

  • Remember that you’ve incredible inner strength, even if it doesn’t always feel that way.
  • Remind yourself that you’ve love and support from your family and friends.
  • Celebrate small wins, no matter how minor they may seem.
  • Practice self-compassion, acknowledging you are only human and need rest at times.

Remember, things will keep changing. The challenges you face now will eventually pass. Embrace perseverance and keep moving forward, even when the path seems difficult. Humanists believe in the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles. You have the resilience within you to navigate this tough period.

If you ever need to talk or seek advice, the Humanist Society is here to support you. The Humanist Society has monthly meetings where you can connect with others who share your perspectives and experiences.

Surrounding yourself with people who understand your journey can provide a sense of belonging and emotional support.

All the best to your revision. Ganbatte!

Letters to HumanistSG: How can I comfort my terminally ill dad?

Letters to HumanistSG is a column where we reply to appeals for advice/help from non-religious individuals.

To the Humanist Society,

My dad is terminally ill. The doctors have given him 3 more months to live.

My dad is an atheist and he does not believe there is life after death.

However, I can see that he is sometimes afraid of what’s coming for him, and worried about the loved ones he’s going to live behind.

I do not know what else I can do to comfort him. He does not want any prayers, nor any evangelisation attempts, in his final days.

Can you help?


(Real name is redacted for privacy)

Our reply

Dear YT,

I’m deeply sorry to hear about your dad’s condition.

This is an incredibly challenging time, and your desire to comfort him without resorting to religious approaches shows a great deal of respect for his wishes.

In these final months, the most valuable thing you can do is to be present and attentive. Spend time listening to his concerns, fears, and memories.

Engaging in conversations about his life, the things he’s proud of, and the relationships he’s cherished can be very comforting. This helps affirm the meaning and value of his life.

Encourage him to express his thoughts and feelings openly. Sometimes, articulating worries and fears can provide a sense of relief.

Assist him in settling his affairs if he wishes, and reassure him that his loved ones will be taken care of.

Don’t worry if you don’t have the answers for him. The goal is to help him find his own sense of closure and reassurance.

Your presence and empathy can offer profound comfort, helping him to feel valued and loved in his final days.

Letters to HumanistSG: Should I come out as an atheist?

Letters to HumanistSG is a column where we reply to appeals for advice/help from non-religious individuals.

Dear Sir/Mdm,

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m reaching out because I’m facing an internal struggle.

I come from a deeply religious family who prays together regularly. To my parents, God is at the center of our family, and guides us in many actions and thoughts.

Over the years, even though I have attended many religious classes, I’ve come to realize that I don’t share those beliefs anymore. I no longer find any meaning in the rituals. I want to live a life true to myself.

I’m considering coming out as an atheist, but the thought of potentially disappointing my family weighs heavily on me. I love my parents deeply and I don’t want to break their hearts. I am also worried about the backlash from my community, which opposes apostasy.

What should I do?


(True name redacted for privacy)

Our reply

Hi Haley,

Thank you for confiding in me during this challenging time. Your struggle with reconciling your non-religiosity with the expectations of your deeply religious family is understandably difficult.

You are not alone. Every year, there are many people who have left religion and I have many of them at the Humanist Society today. Like you, they love their family and they don’t want to disappoint them.

There are a few ways to navigate this situation. Firstly, you can weigh the pros and cons of coming out to your family.


  • Being open about your non-religiosity allows you to live authentically and more happily, free from the burden of pretending to follow beliefs you no longer believe.
  • Being free from religious rituals also frees up time and energy to learn other philosophies, leading to personal growth.
  • Declaring your non-religiosity earlier gives your family more time to accept you for who you are.

Some cons:

  • Your family might never accept your non-religiosity, leading to prolonged conflict. You could be forced to live separately.
  • Backlash or ostracism from your community could impact your social and emotional well-being.
  • If the majority of your friends are from the same religion. you could lose a large number of friends within a short time.

While deciding the best course of action to take, there are some things you can do to prepare yourself for an eventual transition.

  • Ensure you are financially independent, so you have the means to move out.
  • Build new networks in new communities that accept you for who you are.
  • Build mental resilience, cultivating healthy ways to cope with stress and rejection.

In worst cases, where acceptance is not possible, consider being a non-practising member of your religious community as a compromise. Above all, remember to prioritize your own well-being and happiness as you make this decision. If you need support from the Humanist Society, you are welcome to join our events and seek advice from like-minded people.

Wishing you strength, clarity, and peace as you journey forward.

Congratulations to PM Lawrence Wong

The Humanist Society (Singapore) congratulates Mr Lawrence Wong, on becoming the 4th Prime Minister of Singapore today, and thanks Mr Lee Hsien Loong for his 4 decades of public service to the country.

Never has a transition in leadership been overnight. The process where talent has been meticulously groomed, and knowledge has been carefully institutionalized, spans across multiple years of history.

These years of dedication and preparation from Singapore’s cabinet ministers and government are now reflected in this smooth and orderly handover.

For those interested in Mr Wong’s perspectives on thorny issues involving race and religion, his 2021 speech offers valuable insight:

At its core, humanism asserts that we all share one world, one reality, and one humanity, and despite the immense challenges of maintaining harmony and building consensus, we remain committed to advancing society united towards our shared future

We as the Humanist Society (Singapore) trust that we can uphold our pledge to be a force for societal good under his leadership, and we will be working alongside our leaders democratically and wisely elected through due process to work on the issues as addressed as a people proactive in fostering positive change.

We will uphold our values—goodness for its own sake—and are prepared to embrace this new era of leadership for Singapore’s betterment, no matter what challenges arise.

Executive Committee

Humanist Society (Singapore)

15th May 2024

President’s Column: On freedom of speech and discourse on war in Gaza

The 2023 Israel–Hamas war, ongoing since Oct 7 2023, is closely observed around the world, including in Singapore and within the Humanist Society, our community of non-religious and like-minded individuals.

While the Humanist Society has stayed focused on our home country, Singapore, daily news updates from the frontlines have been heart wrenching, with strong views expressed from various camps with entrenched views, both rational and emotional, even within the Society from members in their private capacities.

Writing about the Israel-Hamas war is very difficult, given that the conflict is a multilayered one with many overlapping grievances. Nonetheless, with recent events involving the Israeli embassy’s Facebook post and subsequent response by the Singapore government, I felt it is worth some discussion and reflection in my private capacity.

Broadly speaking, whenever the government acts against a published content that is detrimental to harmony and safety within Singapore, there will be two opposing views among vocal non-religious individuals.

The first view would be that freedom of speech must be protected, and that all ideas, including religious ones, should not be protected from criticism. Proponents of the first view would even argue that, with the widespread availability of the internet, it is impossible to shield someone from views that are critical of their beliefs.

The second view would be that harmony and safety within Singapore comes first, and while freedom of speech is important, raising tensions unnecessarily is counterproductive and ineffective in persuasion.

Whenever views are censored or taken down, there will be, inevitably, some unhappiness from people holding the first view. The big question would be what’s the right balance between freedom of speech, and staying practical about Singapore’s multi-racial, multi-religious context. After all, the Society is based in Singapore and must be effective and credible within our own country.

This is where I looked into the core values of Humanism. Indeed, while freedom of speech and critical inquiry is important, it is worth remembering Humanism carries a wider spectrum of values. Extracts from the Amsterdam Declaration indicate that:

  • Personal liberty must be combined with a responsibility to society.
  • We should be motivated by the benefits of helping and not harming, enabled by reason and compassion.

I do believe as Singaporeans, we have a responsibility in helping to keep Singapore safe and harmonious. This safety has benefited all Singaporeans, both religious and non-religious, and also helps generate the conditions for dialogue, including voices from the non-religious.

I also believe keeping Singapore safe and harmonious allows the flourishing of reason and compassion. When tensions are high and people are entrenched in opposing camps, reason gives way to tribalism, and compassion takes a backseat. Attempts at dialogue lead to impasse and no one benefits.

With the above, and considering all points of views, I support the swift and decisive response by the Singaporean authorities in addressing the post made by the Israeli embassy staff. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a prolonged one, and a sustainable productive approach ensures that reason and compassion prevails.

I believe this approach has paid off. On 30-31 August, the Humanist Society will host the International Humanist Conference, with representatives from humanist/non-religious groups around the world. For those who are unfamiliar with this conference, it is akin to the “United Nations” of humanist/non-religious groups around the world. Prior to that, the Humanist Society has already hosted two Asian Humanism Conferences in 2015/2019.

All the above would not be possible, if Singapore does not have a reputation of being a safe and reliable host for meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions (MICE).

We encourage you to sign up for the conference. It will be a vibrant forum for engaging in critical discourse, exploring diverse perspectives, and discovering the region’s and Singapore’s approaches to secularism and interfaith harmony:

Norhaiyah Mahmood,

President of Humanist Society (Singapore)

Note : All views expressed are personal.

Socials in May 2024

Hanging out with Humanist on 3 May 2024

We enjoyed yet another delightful evening hangout session. Two new guests joined us, Dr. Bern Johnston and his wife from Penang, who stopped by to say hello. It turns out they are old friends of HSS who had been out of touch for a while but have now reconnected with us. As always, the evening was filled with lively discussions, and our table was one of the more animated ones in the room.

We discussed the session from last month, during which we had to endure a guest who spent two hours arguing that humanism is futile in addressing conflicts like the Gaza war or global issues. Consensus was unanimous among us that we welcome such interventions as a form of entertainment. It seemed apparent that the individual may have been seeking attention and attempting to provoke a reaction from us, but his efforts were met with indifference. Eventually, he left the group.

Note : We have more people actually. Not everybody is in this picture.

Zoomify Fridays on 24 May 2024

Our second Zoomify Friday session. Zoomify Friday is a casual and complimentary online social event designed to connect like-minded individuals and expand your network within the humanist community.

This session, we were delighted to be joined by friends from Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

They shared their visions for the future of humanism and recognized HSS as a beacon for the Humanism movement in Southeast Asia. They appreciated Zoomify Fridays as a platform to connect globally and expressed hope that future sessions will attract even more humanists.

We were also joined by another group attending an HSS social event at one of our member’s homes, enjoying a movie night. They shared their thoughts on the film they had just watched about Hypatia of Alexandria.

A letter of encouragement

To the dedicated Exco members of Humanist Society (Singapore), past and present,

Your commitment to building a society guided by reason, compassion and evidence is inspiring.

In a increasingly polarized world where dogma and misinformation is entrenched, your work is more important than ever.

Your tireless efforts to foster communities of critical thinkers, empathetic souls, and proactive changemakers will not go unnoticed.

Every month, you have created spaces where individuals can explore their beliefs freely, find solidarity in shared humanist principles, and work together towards a brighter future for all.

Photo above: A visit to Labrador Nature Park in November 2023.

In moments of doubt or fatigue, remember the impact of your work. A famous saying goes:

“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.”

Greek Proverb

Each gathering, discussion, or initiative you spearhead is planting the seeds for a better future.

Even for those who live in the present, they will find your dedication to reason and compassion is a guiding light in the darkness.

So keep organizing, keep advocating, and keep spreading the humanist message far and wide. You are making a difference, one thoughtful action at a time.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to building a better world rooted in humanity’s best ideals. Your efforts are invaluable, and your passion is contagious. Keep up the incredible work!

Norhaiyah Mahmood


Humanist Society (Singapore)

Why do we take photos at each event

Photography provides HSS the following:

  • An effective way to encourage people to join our events, but assuring them it is well organised
  • A means to teach new Exco and volunteers what happens on the actual day
  • Better publicity because social media algorithms favor visuals rather than text

Good photography is an essential addition to break up grey walls of text.

Photography on site is also crucial because while an event can be written up after its over, photography can only be done on the actual day itself. A moment once over, is gone forever.