Archives for August 2020

HSS Humanism video makes it into Australian religious studies textbook

Humanist Society Singapore was recently approached by an Australian publisher for permission to include our video “What is Humanism” in their new digital textbook “Cambridge Studies of Religion” by authors Chris Hartney and Jon Noble.

What is Humanism? – A Humanist Society Singapore video production

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National Day Community Service – Beach Cleanup at East Coast

This cleanup is part of a new Humanist Society annual initiative called National Day Community Service. where every year in August, we will roll up our sleeves and take part in various projects to help the needy and protect the environment. This is also our first physical event since the Circuit Breaker. Safety precautions were taken.

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NDP Special Offer!

Special offer! In celebration of Singapore’s 55th birthday this month, we are selling red and white humanist bottles and mugs at discounted prices. Buy your own humanist mug at $9.90 each, and a humanist bottle at $12 each. This offer ends on 21 Aug 2020, midnight.

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Humanism in Phase Two

When Singapore implemented the Circuit Breaker in April, we launched the Humanism At Home programme where we had events held on Skype and Zoom. In total, we had 11 online events, including World Humanist Day and several Skype discussions (Skype Parties). Although Singapore moved to Phase Two on 18 June, we adopted a cautious approach and decided to observe the situation for a while longer before resuming physical events.

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