Why do we monitor, and use registration forms to do it?

We use registration forms because it allows us to monitor the level of RSVPs we are getting.

  • If turnout is going to be low, perhaps publicity is ineffective. Exco may choose to spend on advertising the event.
  • If RSVPs are strong and hitting venue capacity limit, Exco may need to close the registration.
  • At the end of the day, the event will be wasted if people have not even heard about the event.

Furthermore, registration form is a private way for people to RSVP for an event.

  • If they RSVP on social media, the social media channel will prompt their friends (and potentially family members) that someone they know is joining the Humanist event.
  • For some of our members, they are privately non-religious and have not informed their family.
  • People might also avoid an event that has very few RSVPs, bringing the RSVPs down even further.