Taiwan approves a Pastafarian organisation, the first in Asia to do so

Last month, the Taiwanese authorities became the first government in Asia to recognise a Pastafarian organisation. Called the Humanistic Pastafarianism in Taiwan (台灣人文煮意麵團), the group has attracted about 30 sign-ups and has more than 2,000 fans on Facebook. The Humanist Society (Singapore) talks to one of its representatives, Kevin Feng (酆景文), to find out more. 


Why did you decide to form this organisation?

Kevin: In February 2017, we really needed an administrative platform to organise our activities. However, we require at least 30 pioneering members to register an organisation in Taiwan. To attract more people, we decided to form a Pastafarian organisation.

When was your organisation approved?

Kevin: Although we have submitted our application at the end of March this year, it was not approved until August. The law requires the government to approve applications within two months. Thus, the waiting time has already exceeded the legally-allowed time considerably.

What questions did the government pose? How did you answer them?

Kevin: The official-in-charge felt that from the name alone, “Humanistic Pastafarianism”, it is not possible to tell that the organisation is religious in nature. He hoped that we can either change the name or not register the organisation as a religious group.

We replied with three points. Our first point was that “pasta” is a very religious word to our believers and according to Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, governments should respect the right of religions to “use their own language.”

Secondly, in the Netherlands and New Zealand, the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster has already been recognised by the government. Thus, there is a historical precedent and our application is not something that is out of thin air.

Thirdly, Taiwan has other religious groups that are not religious in an obvious sense, from the perspective of an average person. For example, some groups are called Social Behavior Research Society (社会行为研究社). According to Section 6 of the Administrative Procedure Act (Taiwan): “The rule of administrative behaviour is to grant equal favours to all unless there are proper reasons otherwise.”

Photo above: Kevin (second from left) with some fellow humanists at the Taiwanese Humanism Studio, a local humanist group that preceded Taiwanese Pastafarianism.

Your organisation’s name “人文煮意面团” is very unique! Can you explain it?

Kevin: We hope we can merge humanism and Pastafarianism, allowing Pastafarians to have a richer history and possess greater information resources. It also allows our organisation, beyond having entertainment, to learn new knowledge and serve the society through civil society initiatives and various activities. Thus, we have used similar sounding words in Mandarin in our name, allowing both sides to merge.

(Translator’s note: The Mandarin word for humanism is ren wen zhu yi “人文主义” but the Taiwanese have cleverly replaced the zhu yi 主义, which provides the suffix “-ism”, to “煮意”, with a deliberately identical pronunciation zhu yi but actually carries the word 煮, “cooking.” This is because pasta need to be cooked.)

What is the reaction from the Taiwanese public?

Kevin: Through this name, we have quickly attracted about 30 members. However, within the Pastafarian organisation, critics have accused our implementation of membership fees as an act of fraud. Some have argued that humanism is not Pastafarian enough.

What are your organisation’s beliefs?

Kevin: We believe that the Flying Spaghetti Monster, in his drunkenness, fell down and caused a thunderbolt that created the world. To test human’s intelligence, the FSM created religion. However, humans’ IQs were too low and they completely believed the FSM’s bullshit. As a result, the FSM created humanism and from the Renaissance onwards, started to allow more and more humans to leave religion. Today, the FSM felt it’s time to tell the world about His great salvation plan, and reveal the relationship between FSM and humanism.

What kind of activities will you organise?

Kevin: We will organise gatherings, lectures and ceremonies, allowing more opportunities for people to become believers.

We will proactively stabilise conflicts between the religious and secular values, accommodate same-sex marriages, address religious oppression of women, as well as address religious infiltration into our education and political systems. Although there is no god besides the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and that it is not moral to wipe out other religions, at least we should be able to use humanism and secular systems to resist these injustices.

Will you wear pirate attire, or wear pasta strainers?

Kevin: Currently, we are still waiting for an edict from the FSM.

What is your favourite noodle?

Kevin: Instant noodles (泡面), because Taiwanese instant noodles contain meat. It is both convenient and delicious!

Which one do you prefer? Western-style spaghetti, or Taiwanese noodles? Why?

Kevin: As long the pasta is a great divine being, we will like them all. What we cannot predict is, should Taiwan have two types of pasta, there could be sectarian conflict in the future.

What is your message to the world?

Kevin: In Pastafarianism, there are pirates, beer and humanism.

We model ourselves after Confucius’s 《Great Learning》: “The way of great learning is in illustrating virtue, in loving people, and in only stopping when perfect goodness is attained.”

Original Chinese Interview









第三是台湾有其他宗教团体,一般人也看不出来其宗教性,比如叫「社会行为研究社」,根据行政程序法第六条规定:「行政行为,非有正当理由,不得为差别待遇。 」

该组织的名字 “人文煮意面团” 非常特别!你可以解释一下吗

















模仿(大学之道,在明明德,在亲民,在止于至善。 ——摘孔子《大学》)