Seeking Exco’s Support

Exco needs volunteers to help out with organising events. Volunteers also needs Exco’s support for their ideas.

Online and at in-person, volunteers may approach an Exco individual to bounce ideas. The Exco individual may choose to provide advice and a brief initial assessment.

After the Exco individual’s initial assessment finds the idea sound, volunteers should translate ideas into actionable items.

The more actionable it is, the more easily Exco can support you.

(Note: If volunteers are confident, you can also write to Exco directly without getting an initial assessment. We will review all ideas fairly.)

To propose actionable items, write into Exco [at] in the following format. If there’s an Exco giving the initial assessment, you may also cite the Exco’s name.

Subject title: [Event Proposal] XXX XXX

Dear Exco,

1. I propose an event titled ____________________, which has been discussed with (insert exco’s name)

2. This event will be held on ____________________ (tentative time/date, put TBC if required)

3. The location will be __________________ (tentative location, put TBC if required)

4. Resources needed

4a. Poster and Publicity: ____________ (choose between all channels or selective channels)

4b. Volunteers: ____________ (indicate number and whether a new working group is needed)

4c. Budget: _____________ (indicate estimated cost)

5. Event details:

5a. Event description: ____________________________________________

5b. Entry fees if any: __________________

5c. This event is one-off / a series of X events (indicate accordingly)

6. Importance of event**

This event is suitable for the Humanist Society because: _______________________________________

7. For Exco’s support and approval please. I understand that Exco will review and approve/reject within 3-7 working days.

**You may cite reasons from the below. The more the better.