The Humanist Society (Singapore) refers to news that a Hwa Chong Institution (HCI) staff member who gave a presentation on sexuality containing discriminatory content to students (“Hwa Chong reprimands staff member, suspends him from sexuality education over anti-LGBTQ content”, 18 July 2022, Straits Times). [1]
Separately, we read that a video by truelove.is was aired at the end of the presentation. [2] [3] [4]
Truelove.is is an evangelical organization serving the Christian community. On their website (https://truelove.is/about/), it describes itself as “a ministry of 3:16 Church that provides stories and resources for Christians who want to know more about LGBTQ issues.”
We affirm that there is freedom of religion in Singapore, and we understand that many Christians have a religious duty to proselytize.
Nonetheless, it is inappropriate that such a video is shown in a national school such as HCI to an audience coming from all backgrounds, including those who are not religious. Unlike adults, students in a school setting do not always have the choice to opt out of such sessions.
Besides, HCI is a secular institution and not a religious establishment.
We urge the Ministry of Education, and all public schools under MOE, to ensure that sexuality education in school, including those conducted by external vendors, has content that is suitable for all races and religions, including the non-religious.
Christian organizations and Christian individuals have the religious freedom to conduct Christian and Christianity-inspired sexuality education within the Christian community, which is well endowed with strong community funding supporting many institutions. There is no need for Christians to carry out evangelism in national schools, whether openly or covertly.
External vendors should also be vetted to ensure there are no vested interests to promote the interests of one community over another.
Executive Committee
Humanist Society (Singapore)