We, the Humanist Society of Singapore, support the key stakeholders’ call for repeal of S377A.
Singapore is not a theocracy – we are a secular state, because no one religion should rule the country. It is also this, and choice, that freedom of religion is important. But little do people question that at the heart of freedom of religion, is the fundamental premise of freedom from religion, without which one cannot leave, or switch religions. If there is no middle ground where not having a religion is the no-mans-land, people can never take a breather before considering whether to subscribe to another religion, or stay a clean slate.
Freedom of religion, and freedom from religion, dictate that no one needs to live by a dogmatic set of rules specific to religions or traditions that belong to another person’s belief system. Religions and millennia-old traditions must learn their place in not foisting their Iron Age dogma on others who want to live their lives differently while not harming others. Society must gradually turn its policies to protecting all, regardless of age, gender, gender identity, language, race, religion, sexual orientation, or social economic class.
In law and in life, gods cannot be called to the witness dock, and interpretation of gods’ will will always be subjective and often be agenda laden, so these readings cannot be taken one way or another. Laws are made by humans for humans, in a society we want to forge, and laws can change when our society wants to change. Laws must also be fair and equal, which S377A failed miserably on both accounts.
As for the hereafter, let the gods decide, not the religionists, nor traditionalists.
As long as there are two sides of an issue and one being the status quo, it will always be seen to be political, for there will always be two forces at play, each trying to assert its influence. It will not be helpful for society if acts are labeled sins and performers sinners. Perhaps it is why it has been easy, so far, to affix the label of criminal to people performing acts not in line with one’s own beliefs. Laws should not be made where we stigmatise people first, and rally around an anachronistic to some, contemporary to others, yet unenforced law to keep the same in their places.
Belief systems are personal, so let’s not apply universal rules for others to strictly abide as well.
No red herrings. No slippery slope. No sign posting. No unenforced laws. No dogma. S377A be gone.
Humanist Society of Singapore was formed in 2010, in the aftermath of AWARE saga, with the guiding principle of speaking reason and giving our helping, compassionate hands to the downtrodden, and the nones. Many of us believe that this is the only life we have, and we choose to live and let live, and focus on the bigger things : caring for our progeny , better treatments of our earthly cousins – the other animals, and the protection and sustainability of the only home we know – Earth.