Skype Party #3 : Producing our own food and medical supplies


2:00 am - 3:30 am

As part of our #HumanismAtHome initiative, we will be holding a Skype group chat (‘Skype Party’) on 9 May (Sat), 2pm.


Lockdowns around the world has sparked worries that there will be shortages in food and other essential supplies here. Although the situation is generally stable in Singapore, strengthening Singapore’s self-sufficiency is an evergreen topic among policymakers, community leaders, and concerned members of the public.

How can Singapore boost self-sufficiency for food and medical equipment? What can be done by the 1) government, 2) communities, and 3) individuals? As part of the discussion, participants are also encouraged to share examples of food they have been growing at home.

[ Click here to join the Skype ]

Our Skype chat will go LIVE at 9 May (Sat), 2pm. To ensure a nice discussion environment for everyone, please observe the following etiquette:

  1. Please introduce your name when you join.
  2. Join on time, so we can have a round of introductions.
  3. To reduce background noise, mute your microphone when not speaking.
  4. If you want to speak, press ‘R’ in the chat, indicating the ‘raising of hand’.

Although our Skype is open to the public, we will follow the Chatam House rules — anyone who comes to the meeting is free to use information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made the comment.