[Online] Skype Party – How did we handle plagues of the past?


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm

As part of our #HumanismAtHome initiative, we will be holding our first Skype group chat (‘Skype Party’) this coming Saturday, 11 April, 2pm.

Our discussion topic:

How did various societies, religions and cultures handle the plagues of the past? What lessons can we draw from the Black Death and the Spanish Flu?

[ Click here to join the Skype Party ]

Our Skype chat will go LIVE at 1.55pm, 11 April. To ensure a nice discussion environment for everyone, please observe the following etiquette:

  1. Please introduce your name when you join.
  2. Join on time, so we can share a round of introductions. 
  3. Do not hog the discussion. Give others enough air time.
  4. Do not stay silent either. Contribute something to the discussion.

Although our Skype is open to the public, we will follow the Chatam House rules — anyone who comes to the meeting is free to use information from the discussion, but is not allowed to reveal who made any comment.