Humanist Cafe: Finding your purpose in life


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Humanist Cafe is a monthly gathering aimed at providing peer support for the non-religious at multiple stages of life. Guided by facilitators, participants can share their life experience along one of the six themes marking life’s milestones. At the Cafe, you are able to give and draw support from fellow participants in the process.

RSVP on this Google Form. Venue will be confirmed after registration.

This month’s theme: Finding your purpose in life

While the proportion of non-religious people is growing in many countries around the world, many people still believe that religion is a must to have a purpose in life. The ‘nones’, especially the ‘godless’, are sometimes seen to be living a life without direction.

At this Cafe, non-religious participants can share how they have found / are still finding purpose and meaning in life. They can share their sources of inspiration, and mentors/role models who have made an impact in their lives.

For those who are searching for their niche, they can draw strength from participants who are at peace with their place in society.

The nature of discussion will be forward looking, focusing our careers, hobbies, and various aspirations for the future. Individuals can share the process they went through / going through to find their passion and place in the world.

We can also discuss management of expectations, and learning to find contentment amid disappointment.

You read a summary of a similar Cafe last year.