Humanist Cafe – Interfaith and Interbelief Relationships


3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Humanist Cafe is a monthly gathering aimed at providing peer support for the non-religious at multiple stages of life. Guided by facilitators, participants can share their life experience along one of six themes marking life’s milestones. At the Cafe, you are able to give and draw support from fellow participants in the process.

[Slots are limited. Please register here early. Venue to be confirmed via email after registration.]

This month’s theme: Interfaith and Interbelief Relationships

Many non-religious individuals come from families with more than one religion / belief. It can take many forms. For example:

  • Spouse with a different belief
  • Parents / Children with different beliefs
  • Siblings with different beliefs
  • Extended family members with different beliefs.

In some cases, there are family members joined very reclusive/exclusive movements, causing tensions with the other family members.

There are also couples (not married) who have different beliefs.

In the two-hour session, participants can share their personal stories and how they navigate close relationships involving different beliefs. Participants can share their ways of coping, and draw peer support from fellow participants.

Coping methods that can be discussed:

  • Finding common ground instead of only focusing on differences
  • Being physically present at each other important days / festivals
  • Setting mutual boundaries
  • Resolving conflicts in small steps
  • Forgiveness