Introduction to “Humanist of the Year: Catherine Lim”

By Paul Tobin

The word “humanism” originated from the 15th century Italian term umanista – which meant a scholar of classical Greco-Roman literature and its underlying ethical philosophy. By the enlightenment during the 18th century, the word became linked with the concepts / ideals / life stance that we understand today as Humanism. These ideals include (1) the primacy of reason – that evidence, observations and experiment, and rational analysis have the form the grounding for our knowledge (2) a human centered ethics which is based on a spirit of compassions coupled with critical thinking and finally (3) a skepticism and rejection of the supernatural – that life can be happy and meaningful without recourse to superstitions and myths. [Read more…]

Stargazing at Pulau-Semakau

By Dan Dan

In the evening of 9 July 2011, a ethusiatic group of humanists and their loved ones stepped on Singapore first and only offshore landfill: Pulau Semakau! The island is incredibly clean and well facilitated, and a short introduction to this modern marvel left a deep impression on us. The team from The Astronomical Society Of Singapore (TASOS website) then gave us a short briefing on astronomy and the July night sky, raising our expectations. [Read more…]

Darwin Day 2011

By Dan Dan Thio

The third event organized by Humanist Society (Singapore), Darwin Day 2011, is a huge success with the biggest turnout yet!


Dr. John van Wyhe (above) debunked the false claims that Charles Darwin’s religious beliefs drift towards agnosticism was due to the lose of is favorite daughter Annie. By sharing with us Charles Darwin’s personal life, he shone a new light on the matter and brought us closer to understanding this scientific figure.


Yuchen (above) ended the series of talk with an entertaining and jaw-dropping presentation which has various photos of insects and their genitals, a video of fearsome sea slugs “penis-fencing”, and a humorous animation of “displacement of someone else’s semen”. In between laughs, he showed that sexual selection has much greater effect than natural selection on producing this diversified sexy animal kingdom.


The talk “What makes a scientific truth” by Dr. Mathia Lee is both courageous and intriguing. Dr. Mathia explained how scientific truths are skewed by social and economic reasons, and that we must remain skeptical and cautious with information even if it is from the scientific community.


After the talks, a raffle was drawn, and token of appreciations were give to the speakers. Then, the members and the public mingled altogether as two wonderful birthday cakes baked by our talented committee member, Sven, were distributed.


One depicts the Galapagos Islands and the other a birthday cake, coated with brightly colored coconut shreds, soft and fluffy, everyone took one or more pieces! Not forgetting the addictive fish-shaped cookies Denise helped to make! *nom nom nom*












The society also loaned out books related to evolution on this special day, such as “On the Origin of Species” by the birthday boy, and “The Greatest Show on Earth” by Richard Dawkins. Return them on time or you get fined!

NTU student Kenneth Lee found “the first speaker particularly interesting as it puts to question the reliability and accountability of modern science; a pillar which we have put so much faith in”.

Darwin Day 2012 is going to be bigger and better, watch out!

“What? Pikachu is evolving?”

Happenings at Darwin Day 2011

The third event organized by Humanist Society (Singapore), Darwin Day 2011, was a huge success with the biggest turnout yet!

d2011decor [Read more…]

First Humanist Society Gathering

The first Humanist Society (Singapore) (HSS) get-together was held on the 28th of November, 2010, at Cashew Park Condominium. Despite the heavy downpour, around 40 eager members and interested participants came to meet fellow Humanists and to find out more about the HSS. Paul Tobin, President of the HSS, gave an overview of the society’s goals and objectives, emphasizing the role of the HSS in providing an organized platform for non-believers in Singapore. Future plans, which include participation in inter-religious forums and becoming a recognized member of the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) were also shared.

[Read more…]

Humanism and the meaning of life

By Paul Tobin

Humanists, by definition, are atheists, agnostics or non-theists. Many people assume that for life to have meaning, there has to be a “giver” of such meaning – such a “giver” is normally referred to as “god.”  In this article, I intend to show that life can be meaningful without recourse to such a concept.

[Read more…]

Workshop on Emotional Intelligence

In a refreshing break from the usual debates and intellectual discourses, this workshop, held on 19th November, 2009, aims to truly connect with ourselves and others, as humanists, by addressing that most irrational and airy-fairy thing of all – Emotions.

The session was conducted by Hugh Mason: Son, Father, Husband, Citizen, Workmate, former floating office owner and bridge dweller, ex-physicist turned film-maker turned investor/entrepreneur.

Nestled in the cosy, casual poet cafe at the heart of Chinatown, workshop participants were able to connect with and reflect on their feelings in a laid-back atmosphere as Hugh shared his personal experiences and took the participants through various interesting activities.

Moments from the event:


Ethics and Humanism workshop

The Singapore Humanism Meetup (SHM) organised a workshop on ethics on 26 September, 2009. The workshop, designed to be generally light and casual, is lead by WT.

WT stressed that this isn’t a workshop to present what he thinks is ethical, but to highlight ethical issues common to the human condition, and invite people to resolve these from the humanist point of view. It hopes to explore whether there ethical ramifications to the humanist philosophy beyond rejecting the supernatural.

Therefore, the workshop is not meant to provide any universal prescription, but to get people to ponder and discuss on certain ethical issues, and hopefully find common ground.

The short powerpoint presentation given before discussion begins covered definitions of humanism, meta-ethics, normative ethics, and evaluating ethical standards descriptively along several broad axes such as:

1) Means vs ends
2) Individual vs group
3) Rights vs duties
4) Objective vs subjective
5) Casuistry vs principle

After the presentation, workshop participants broke up into 4 discussion groups of 3-4 people, and each group are given 2 case studies to discuss.

The imaginary scenarios touch upon dilemmas a person would encounter in life, such as sacrificing lives for the greater good, speaking up on uninformed choices, and whether to respect the rights the individual have.

Throughout the workshop, there were certain trends during the discussion that indicate some common ground, and generally most participants agree that humanism should be about benefiting humanity. They also agree that there are no simple solutions to complex problems, and no universal prescriptions exist.

There were also perceptions that the SHM is anti-religious, but WT hopes that this workshop provides people some food for thought as to what humanists are positively for as human beings, as well as why they are for it.

Huifen stated that the SHM mailing list was not representative of the views of the meetup generally. In addition, the workshops do not take an anti-religious direction, as many perceive humanism to be, especially through the internet.

At the end of the workshop, WT hopes that members enjoyed themselves in their discussions, hopefully, despite their differences, focus on their common grounds so that collective action can be taken, rather than merely discussions.

Debate: Are Singaporeans Better Off Without Religion?

On 30 July 2009, the Singapore Humanism Meetup (SHM) organised a debate over these questions:

  1. What is the role of religion in Singaporean society?
  2. Are there any advantages to having a religious affiliation?
  3. What benefits does freethought confer on the average Singaporean?

Photo below: The side arguing in favor of religion. From left to right, Riyas, Stephan, Mathia.

Photo below: The side arguing against religion.

SHM’s year-end gathering

The Singapore Humanism Meetup (SHM) organised its first year-end gathering on 19th December 2009.

It is the festive season and Singapore Humanists join in the cheer by celebrating our first anniversary with a special theme – exploring the ethics of dating   and sexuality without religious dogma.

Dating and sexuality is a central issue to humanity and almost all life on Earth, for evolutionary outcomes depends almost entirely on it. Thus, as civilizations and cultures evolved over millennia, it is not surprising that people had set various moral guidelines to regulate sexual and dating behavior.

Ranging from diverse tribal practices to elaborate religious dogma, these moral codes had evolved under different socioeconomic backgrounds, and survived well into the modern era today. However, as scientific research started to shed light into the origin, purpose and nature of our sexual impulses, more people began to challenge the traditional perceptions of dating and sexual behavior.

Different opinions over the nature of sexuality, and how to regulate it, make dating and sexuality universal hot topic. For Singapore, homosexuality and marital rape has made it to the news and or even parliamentary debates in recent years. Countries like the US are currently engulfed in culture wars and lawsuits over gay rights. To the north in Malaysia, religious tension arose after inter-faith marriages ends in divorce. Would Singapore be potentially vulnerable to these issues?

The Singapore government believes that religion provides a moral compass for many Singaporeans. However, what about the non-religious segment of the population in Singapore, such as atheists, agnostics and humanists etc? They have no holy men to guide them in the finer points of dating and sex. Does this imply a no holds barred approach? How should they navigate the minefields of love and lust? How should they manage relationships with people of faith? This was to be discussed of the Dec 19 SHM gathering.

The meetup, attended by about 30 people at Hackerspace in Bugis, started with a screening of a several clips from American drama serials dealing with bisexuality, gay relationships and other dating/sexuality issues. After the clip, the results of an online, anonymous survey conducted by organizers earlier were revealed by co-hosts Benjamin and Mathia. Of the 28 respondents, only two are women and three are gay men, while straight men made up for the rest.

The hosts then started discussing with the audience about the reason behind the skewed response. For example, could the lack of female and gay respondents reflect the societal pressure these two groups face? In addition, the survey revealed that only half of the respondents think that being a straight person is better than being a homosexual, and the hosts discussed if this could be due to the liberal nature of SHM participants.

Throughout the dialogue session after the video clip, there were lively exchanges between certain members of the audience as they debated briefly over the increased acceptance of gays by the Singapore government due to the benefits of the pink dollar, monogamous vs polygamous marriage, negative reporting of homosexuals in the local media etc.

Another hot topic would be inter-faith marriages. Humanists discussed the potential problems of inter-faith marriages, and how would a freethinker go about dating/marrying a person of another religion.

A member suggested that inter-faith marriages would be easier if the two different religions are not so far apart, (eg. Hinduism, Buddhism), while another member suggested that as even Catholics and Protestants have difficulty with inter-faith marriages, the strength of the belief could be more important than the type of belief.

Several members also suggested that informed consensus, by capable consenting adults, could be one guideline for humanists in dating/sexual relationships. The debate then moved on to, at what age, could one could considered a capable, consenting adult, as social and emotional maturity is very subjective. Besides, even between two consenting adults, would the non-religious person always have to give way to the religious person?

After 10pm, the meetup participants began to break up into groups to socialize and discuss. A BBC clip was played, participants enjoyed special drinks from a small bar within the room. In addition, an SHM anniversary video showing the photo slideshows of previous meetups was shown, giving thanks to various people who helped out in the meetups over the past year.

The SHM concludes a successful year with 14 meetups and over 200 members on the mailing list. The organizers hope that more people would come forward to assist in its gatherings, so that it could take further steps to build a genuine, freethought community in Singapore, a socially safe environment where important issues relating to the non-religious could be shared candidly.