On the first day of the Asian Humanism Conference, participants broke into four groups to discuss four major questions based around the theme: Unity in Diversity. This is the third discussion. [Read more…]
How can humanists give back to society?
On the first day of the Asian Humanism Conference, participants broke into four groups to discuss four major questions based around the theme: Unity in Diversity. This is the second discussion. [Read more…]
Communicating humanism across to the public

On the first day of the Asian Humanism Conference, participants broke into four groups to discuss four major questions based around the theme: Unity in Diversity. This is the first discussion: [Read more…]
Diverse populations lived in peace for most of history
On the first day of the Asian Humanism Conference, NUS historian of science Dr John van Wyhe delivered the keynote address on the conference theme: Unity in Diversity. He argued that dramatic events such as wars often overshadow long periods of time where diverse populations lived peacefully together. Tolerating differences and living in peace was in fact the norm, and part of human nature. Here’s a summary of his speech: [Read more…]
Panel Discussion – Bridging Different Communities (QnA)
Panel Discussion – Bridging Different Communities
Panelists at the Asia Humanism Conference Day 1:
- Theresa Termulo, President, Philippines Atheists and Agnostics Society (PATAS)
- Zurairi Abd Rahman, Senior Journalist, The Malay Mail Online
- Red Tani, President, Filipino Freethinkers
- Uttam Niraula, President, Society for Humanism, Nepal
- Paul Tobin, President, Humanist Society (Singapore)
Opening address at the Asian Humanism Conference
By Paul Tobin
President of the Humanist Society (Singapore)
Here in Singapore the year 2010, we officially registered the Humanist Society (Singapore). So, we have been around for five years, but the roots of humanism, the roots of humanist values go deeper than the term as we use it today. Before we look at this route, perhaps we should talk about what humanist values are. [Read more…]
Visit by Norwegian humanists

Even though Norway’s population is only slightly smaller than Singapore’s, the Human-Etisk Forbund, or the Norwegian Humanist Association, is one of the largest secular humanist associations in the world with over 80,000 members! They were founded in 1956, nine years before Singapore’s independence. Over the years, they grew rapidly and played host to the World Humanist Congress three times in 1962, 1986 and 2011. [Read more…]
Darwin Day 2015
Breaking away from the lecture formats of past Darwin Days, the Humanist Society held Darwin Day 2015 outdoors at the Singapore Botanical Gardens. It was a homecoming for the Society for it was in this gardens, back in 2009, where discussions to register our NGO with the government began. This garden, built in the 1860s and the birthplace of the rubber industry, was just a few months shy of being declared a UNESCO world heritage site.
Darwin Day 2015 was divided into two parts, the Darwin Photo Challenge and a self-guided tour at the Evolution Gardens. The day started early at 9am+ when participants gathered at a designated pavilion near the north entrance. Gamesmasters Eric briefed the participants, who subsequently broke up into groups of 3-5 people each. The teams named themselves “Monkey’s Uncle”, “Wallace”, “Green Nature” and “Lalangs”.
Team Wallace:
Team Green Nature
Team Lalangs
Team Monkey’s Uncle
These groups would take part in a mini-competition that resembles an Easter egg aunt, or an Amazing Race. Teams of participants went around the area to take photographs of birds, insects and mammals listed on a game sheet called the “Darwin Tree of Life. Different photographs were given points based on the varying difficulty levels. The challenge ends at a “bonus stage” in the Evolution Garden.
The four teams toured the garden, reading about the history of plant life on Earth, and took part in a mini-quiz at the end. The 9.9-hectare tells the evolutionary story of plant life on Earth throughout the ages. It shows the amazing story of how plants gave us life, and how, long before humans arrived, plants started to evolve into the myriad complex, wonderful life forms that we see today. At the end of the self-tour, participants took part in a quiz.
Group photo at the end of the event:
Also joining us on that day was a final-year student project group from Nanyang Technological University called PATH. They had contacted us a few months earlier and invited us to join an interfaith campaign that also includes the non-religious.
You can watch their video of our Darwin Day here:
After the Darwin Day, we had a good lunch at Bar Bar Black Sheep. Members of the executive committee and volunteers also began discussing the upcoming IHEYO Asian Humanism Conference.
Humanists at the Botanical Gardens
The Singapore Botanical Gardens is now a UNESCO World Heritage site! The garden is considered by many as the birthplace of the rubber industry when the first rubber seedlings came to the gardens from Kew in 1877. Today, the 74-hectare Botanic Gardens includes the National Orchid Garden which has over 1,000 orchird species and 2,000 hybrids on display. [Read more…]