The Asian Humanism Conference (AHC) is an annual meeting of young humanists across Asia, aimed to strengthen networks across people and humanist organisations in the pan-Asian region, as well as offer training and capacity building.
On Saturday, 6 July 2019, Tan Tatt Si, President of the Humanist Society (Singapore), gave the welcome address for AHC 2019. Read the event summary here.

Speaker Profile
Tatt Si worked the corporate tech sales sector from 1988 to 2014 before moving to run his full time digital marketing business. He served as Humanist Society (Singapore) treasurer from 2014 – 2016 and heads the Society as President today.
Welcoming Address: From self-centred to selfless
This opening address will set the inclusive tone for the rest of the conference. Humanism can sometimes be seen as an ‘everyone for himself’ platform. However it should be seen as a way to create a better future for human kind using rationality, passion and compassion to influence people into thinking of others.
Other speaker profiles
- Anthea Indira Ong, Nominated Member of Parliament
- Siti Noor Mastura, award winning social activist
- Nazhath Faheema, founder of hash.peace
- Woon Chet Choon, principal consultant, former president of the Screenwriters Association of Singapore
- Jamilah Lim, media professional who engages in advocacy and events management
- Sze Jianyue, former journalist from TODAY
See also
- Event summary: Asian Humanism Conference 2019
- Full text of Tan Tatt Si’s Welcoming Remarks