Our Patrons sponsor groundbreaking projects within the Humanist Society. These projects can include, but not limited to, establishing a permanent venue for the Society, establishing a national repository of non-religious stories, or new IT solutions that scale up the Society’s ability to build supporting communities.
Below are current projects open to patrons’ sponsorship:
1. A Place in the Singapore Story

Over the years, hundreds or even thousands of non-religious people have attended Humanist Society events. At our community gatherings, many stories have been shared, some of them heart-wrenching, several inspiring.
The Humanist Society is now hiring freelance journalists to document stories of non-religious individuals across Singapore.
We are looking for Patrons who can sponsor $200 per story. In turn, the Humanist Society will match the Patron’s donation, making it $400 per story.
By documenting more stories, we can better dispel harmful misconceptions faced by humanists, atheists, agnostics and other freethinkers. By bringing out the rich diverse voices of this demographic, we can secure for the non-religious a respected place in the Singapore Story.
If you wish to contribute as a Patron, write in to infoAThumanist.org.sg to find out more.
2. Home for Humanism

The Humanist Society has long-term plans to rent a permanent office that will serve as a venue for meetings, public lectures, social events and even a permanent exhibit on the non-religious. More plans will be revealed after the Covid-19 pandemic ends.