The events superwoman

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I’m Shamima and I’ve been the events director of HumanistSG for 3 years. I organise the logistics of events and delegate work to the volunteers of each event.

I think our events are the glue that allows us to meet in person and form rewarding relationships within the community. I manage an events agency as my day job and the skills I have learnt allowed me to contribute effectively to HumanistSG. I like shaping each individual event, finding the right venue, bringing all the different moving parts together to create a great event experience. I have other people on the team to provide the content, the speakers, the programme flow, and together we bring well-received humanist events to the public.


My biggest achievement in 2016 was to bring in an independent American filmmaker and his beautiful film about the joys of an atheist’s life. I was personally very inspired when I watched that movie and was completely determined to share it with a wider audience in Singapore. In the end, we had 3 screenings, 1 at NUS and 2 for the public. It was very well received by audience members. This was the biggest event which I directed with the HumanistSG exco and volunteers. I’m really psyched up by the result and inspired to do more!


I am on the lookout for new people to own individual events for the HumanistSG community. We work collaboratively using event templates and have a network of contacts and vendors built up over the years. But what we would love are new voices to help us bring a different perspective to our events. Get in touch if you’d like to help create exciting event experiences!