FF Podcast 76: Freethinking in Singapore

Shortly after the Asian Humanism Conference ended, Filipino Freethinkers president Red Tani held a podcast interview with our President Paul Tobin and his daughter Patricia Tobin. Watch the interview here:

Transcript of the podcast

Red Tani: We’re in Singapore for the Asian Humanist Conference hosted by the Humanist Society (Singapore). Congratulations for the job well done on the Conference. What is the significance of holding this event in Singapore? [Read more…]

Humanist shirts for Pink Dot

The pink version of our Good for Goodness Sake t-shirts are still on sale! The pink version has been worn at our annual Pink Dot picnics for several years. Here’s a photo from Pink Dot 2014.

  • Cost: $20 each for both non-members and members
  • Deadline for ordering: First-come, first-served! We have limited stock.
  • Collection date and venue: July 1 2017, at the HSS Pink Dot booth at Hong Lim Park. Read more at our event page and FB event page.
  • Sizes (updated 30 Jun 2017) :
    • XS: 1 available
    • M: 3 available,
    • L: 1 available
  • Payment options: Scroll down to place your orders!

We are only taking new orders for ONE colour (pink). The other colours, dark grey, brown, maroon and navy, are not being reprinted at the moment. Here’s the chart of sizes:


T-shirt sizes

[Read more…]

Passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew


Singapore’s founding Prime Minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew has passed away this morning at the age of 91.

Throughout his years of public service, including as Prime Minister from 1959-1990, Mr Lee and his team worked to create a safe and prosperous country. Mr Lee recognised the importance of secularism in a muliti-religious society, to balance competing interests so that no group is systematically favoured over another.

Our Society expresses our condolescences to Mr Lee’s family. We will remember his service to Singapore.

For updates, you can follow these two pages:

PM Lee’s page:

Remembering Lee Kuan Yew:

Executive Committee
Humanist Society (Singapore)

Blog: Darwin Day spreads to Asia

darwin day map

Darwin Day began in the United States back in the 1990s to commemorate the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin on 12 February 1809. The event is popular in academic communities and humanist groups in the US and parts of Europe. On this occasion, talks and various activities are held to highlight Darwin’s contribution to science, or to promote science in general.

Over the past few years, the idea of celebrating Darwin Day has slowly made its way to parts of Asia. These Darwin Days were usually started by local humanist/atheist activists or expatriates. Humanists in Singapore, for example, have been holding events related to Darwin since 2009, the 150th anniversary of his birth. [Read more…]

Nominate for Annual General Meeting 2015 now!

Dear members,

In preparation for the 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Humanist Society (Singapore), we would like to invite fellow members to run as members of the coming year’s Executive Committee. The following posts will be available this year for a 2-year term: [Read more…]

MOH Public Consultation on Pre-Abortion Counselling Criteria

The Humanist Society (Singapore) wrote a letter in response to the Health Ministry public consultation on pre-abortion criteria. The Ministry has thanked the Society for its feedback.

Email letter to MOH

Dear Sir/ Madam

The Humanist Society (Singapore) is writing in in response to the Ministry of Health’s open consultation as regards pre-abortion counselling. We applaud the ministry’s continuing commitment to providing the best medical care for all in Singapore, including medically-sound procedures for termination of pregnancy.

[Read more…]

SW: Recognising Non-Religious Singaporeans

Our commentary on recognising non-religious Singaporeans has been published on Secular World, the magazine of Atheist Alliance International. A slightly edited and shorter version of the commentary was published earlier in August as a readers’ comment on Yahoo.

Our organisation is a member of the AAI. While the AAI has started as a coalition of atheist groups in the US, it has since expanded into a global network of atheist, agnostic, skeptic, and humanist groups. Last year, In 2013, the AAI was granted special consultative status by the UN.

The HSS thanks AAI for publishing our commentary. Read the rest of the magazine here:




BLOG: Drinks, Poetry & Moonrise

Thirty people attended our event “Drinks, Poetry & Moonrise” on Wednesday night.
This first of its kind HSS event straddles science and culture, highlighting the essence of the Mid-Autumn festival. Mid-Autumn festival (中秋节)is associated with the fables of Chang’er (嫦娥) , Houyi (后羿), Jade Rabbit (玉兔) & Wugang (吴刚) ; lantern quizzes (打灯迷) that see wisdom permeating within the community ; and the historical significance of secret messages within mooncakes that culminated in the founding of the Ming Dynasty.
The scientific activity of photographing the moonrise was de-emphasized, for participants did not bringing their own cameras, but the chief culprit was the shy moon herself, preferring to hide behind the overcast sky for most of the evening. Mooncakes, pomelo, water-caltrop (菱角) , drinks and good conversation took over naturally, before Huifen brought on her poetry recital.

[Read more…]

Yahoo: Recognising non-religious Singaporeans


Singapore needs a national narrative for the non-religious, argues our President Paul Tobin in our first commentary in the media published on Yahoo Singapore. The 700+ word article talks about forgotten pioneers of Singapore, freethinkers who face hostile disapproval for leaving their faith, and his recommendations. Find out more here:


If the URL is no longer working, please contact us at info(at)humanist.org.sg

BLOG: World Humanist Congress 2014

 This year, the World Humanist Congress took place in Oxford, England from 7 – 10 August. Our committee member Huifen attended the Congress – here is her experience of it. [Read more…]