Introduction to Humanism and the ExCo roles


8:00 pm - 9:15 pm

Ahead of the Annual General Meeting 2022 (AGM), we are doing a re-run of the Introduction to Humanism session and allow members to get to know the ExCo roles if they wish to nominate themselves or another member to run for office at the AGM.

Introduction to Humanism (45mins incl. Q&A)

Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance affirmed by many nonreligious people around the world. Humanists believe in

1) human-derived meaning and purpose in life,
2) human values and ethics, and
3) the use of reason and science to build a more humane society.

Humanist Society (Singapore) will introduce Humanism as a philosophy and explore its relevance in Singapore. Feel free to explore the topic at your own time at

Get to know the ExCo roles (30mins incl. Q&A)

Ever wondered who does what in the Humanist Society Singapore and if you could step up as a ExCo member? In the 2nd half of the event, the current ExCo will share their experiences and insights of what it means to be an ExCo members of the society (in particular the roles up for election in the coming AGM).

Join us over Zoom

Humanist Society Singapore is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Introduction to Humanism and the ExCo roles
Time: Feb 5, 2022 20:00 Singapore
Join Zoom Meeting
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Introduction to Humanism and the ExCo roles


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