9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Wallace Education Centre,
50 Dairy Farm Rd

The Wallace trail at Bukit Timah is named in honour of Alfred Russel Wallace, the British naturalist who independently conceived the theory of evolution through natural selection. He visited Singapore many times from 1854 – 1862 as part of his eight-year stay in the Malay archipelago. To get closer to the remaining primary forests, Wallace stayed with a French Roman Catholic missionary at St Joseph’s in Bukit Timah district. During his time in Singapore, Wallace trekked daily into the hilltops and collected thousands of insects and birds.
On Feb 18, the Humanist Society is organising an outing to the trail. You will be able to see wildlife such as the Plantain squirrel, Common Mormon butterfly and various species of birds. Dr John van Wyhe, the historian of science who has studied Charles Darwin and Wallace extensively, will be joining us as a guest. Dr John is the director of The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online and Wallace Online. He is currently based in NUS.
After the Wallace trail, we will be trekking at the Dairy Farm Nature Park as well. For those who are adventurous, you can opt to hike up the Bukit Timah hill and experience the primary rainforest environment which Wallace walked in. The hill has just been reopened after two years of restoration. After the event ends at around 1230pm, regulars at the Humanist Society will be gathering again for lunch at the Rail Mall nearby. Feel free to join us!
Time: 930am – 1230pm
Date: February 18, 2017, Saturday
Meeting location: Wallace Education Centre, 50 Dairy Farm Rd
The event is FREE and open to all members of the public
Please note:
– Dress lightly for trekking in potentially hot weather
– Wear good shoes
– Bring an umbrella as it might rain
– Bring your own water bottle