The HSS is a young organisation but it is growing steadily. As we celebrated our third anniversary, we reflected on what we have done and what we can do better. Luckily, our new website has provided some statistics for our reference.
In our first three years, the HSS has organised 52 events and 1 overseas trip. This works out to be 1.4 events per month.
We have divided our 52 events into 4 broad categories:
- Social events – Social gatherings for humanists, atheists, agnostics and other like-minded folk. We had 21 such events.
- Talks – Events with speakers, giving a discourse on a specific topic. We had 22 talks.
- Field trips – Visits to a particular place of great significance for learning purposes. We have conducted 3 trips.
- Community – Volunteering for the needy in community, doing good for goodness sake. We have done 6 of them.

Over the past three years, the bulk of our events (82%) were talks and socialising events. They have allowed humanists to gain insights from experts and make many new friends. Our talks include workshops on humanism, ethics, science and the law. Our social events include barbeques, networking sessions and end-of-year celebrations.
Once in a while, we conduct a field trip, and the more adventurous ones have gone on places like Pulau Semakau and Ten Courts of Hell at Haw Par Villa. Our community service efforts started with a blood donation drive in 2012, and increased significantly this year to includes hot meals for the elderly with Lions Befrienders.
The HSS wants to organise better events in the years ahead, but we need more volunteers on board. If you are keen to lend a hand as an events volunteer, fill in the volunteer form.
For queries, contact us through the General Inquiry Form or find us on Facebook.