Survey for interest on Sunday Assembly

The Sunday Assembly movement was started in London, UK by comedians Sanderson Jones and Pippa Evans in 2013. They had both been churchgoers in their youth, stopped going and then realised they missed something; not the religious part, but rather the community, the stimulation, the singing, the being with others, the tea and cake afterwards. So they set up Sunday Assembly to see if a ‘church-like thing without religion’ could be done. And it could!

We at HumanistSG wants to know if you would like to attend and join such a community!

A typical Assembly program consists of (in no particular order) and lasts about 1 hour:

  • Songs – pop songs, or even songs of religious origin if they are lovely to listen and sing to
  • Speakers– on science, history, or current affairs to get you thinking and discussions going
  • Reading – This could be a poem or other short piece, related to the talk or not
  • Doing Your Best – Someone shares a personal story about something going on in their life. It could be something they have been grappling with, striving at, succeeded with, failed but learned from, or are involved with that’s worth sharing. It’s about reminding each other that we’re all trying the best we can.
  • Moment of Reflection – Invite the group to do a short reflection e.g. 2 minutes.
  • Life Happens – Invite the group to share highs and lows in their life.
  • Gratitude – Invite the group to express gratitude to their loved ones and others in life
  • Announcements

Spend a few minutes to fill up the survey here, and even stand a chance to win $10 NTUC e-vouchers!

Survey is open between 01 – 30 May 2024.

Members-only Telegram Chat

Note: Non-current members may join the public chat:

Dear current members of the Humanist Society (Singapore),

We have explored many options to facilitate communicate between members and we will be using Telegram, a features-rich and reliable chat app, for this purpose.

Please fill up the following form to let us know your Telegram username, once we have verified that you are a current member, you will be added to the chat.

Name, Email, Telegram

If you are a current paid up member, you can provide your telegram username if you wish to join the members-only chat (periodically updated). You may join our announcement channel and its public-chat without providing your username.


Membership to the chat group is restricted to current members of Humanist Society (Singapore). The executive committee reserves the right to remove any non-current members and revoke the invitation link to this chat. Current members are members who have paid up their membership dues for the current year, please check with our secretary if you are unsure of your membership status.

Notification Setting

It is recommended that you mute notifications from the Telegram supergroup chat. In case you miss a event broadcast, check the pinned message, website, or facebook.