Associate Membership Registration and Payment

Welcome! Sign up as an associate member of Humanist Society (Singapore) here!

Associate membership is open to all who support and broadly agree with the objectives of the Society as described in Clause 3 of the society’s Constitution, but do not concur that humanism is non-theistic. A separate Declaration in Clause 4.4.1 of the society’s Constitution is hence included in the form below for Associate Members to ratify, in lieu of the Minimum Statement on Humanism. An Associate Member is subject to the same fees, requirements, and privileges of a Full Member, but will neither be eligible to vote nor run for office in the Executive Committee.

Please email before paying if you are unsure of your membership status for this year.

  • Card payment via Paypal
    • Note: for Paypal payments, the Paypal account is
  • Internet banking:
    • PayNow to UEN T10SS0142C OR
    • Bank transfer to UOB A/C # : 3733027590
      • Branch: Tiong Bahru Plaza
      • Bank code: 7375
      • Branch code: 050

If you do not receive an acknowledgement email after confirming your submission, please contact us.

New Associate Membership Sign-Up

New Associate Membership

Membership Types

  • Associate Member - S$20.00 / year

Membership prices are halved between June-October, and if you sign up at the end of the year between November-December, your membership for next year is included!

Total Amount
Associate Membership Signup Profile
Objectives of the Humanist Society (Singapore)
1. To encourage a rational approach to human problems, to promote the fullest possible use of science and the arts, for human welfare, to defend freedom of expression, and to provide a constructive alternative to theological and dogmatic creeds.

2 To gain and maintain for non-religious people the same rights and privileges as are enjoyed by members of religious bodies.

3 To encourage informed and reasoned discussion of issues in a manner that shows respect for the individual.

4 To encourage respect for the universal human rights of men and women free from discrimination on the basis of race, class, disability, gender, age, nationality or sexual orientation.

5 To promote an understanding and awareness of humanism and its goals.

6 To raise awareness that a significant secular, non-religious segment of our society (free-thinkers, atheists and non-theists) segment exists and is an essential contributor to the well-being & progress of our society.
Declaration of Personal Belief for Associate Membership
To live a humanist way, there is no entrance requirement, no necessary rite of passage, and no hierarchy to which one must belong. I adhere to a democratic and ethical life stance that affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. Regardless of my theistic beliefs, supernatural views, or lack thereof, I stand for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in a spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities.
Are you over 18 years old?
Persons who are below 18 years of age shall not be accepted as members without the written consent of their parent or guardian. Request a consent form from our secretary via the contact form here.
Transaction Details
Enter this field if you're paying by PayNow or bank transfer.
PayNow to UEN T10SS0142C OR
Bank transfer to UOB A/C # : 3733027590
then enter any Transaction ID here.