The Society 新加坡人本学会

hss group photo

The Humanist Society (Singapore) was formed in 2010 as a group of humanists, atheists, agnostics, skeptics and other like-minded people in Singapore. Our society seeks to represent non-religious people in Singapore who pursue ethical and fulfilling lives. We are guided by reason, informed by evidence and driven by compassion.

Our events raise awareness of science, humanism and ethical living. Our gatherings serve as a treasured space for rational discussions and for finding friendship with like-minded people. We hold workshops on humanism, ethics and science, and social events such as barbecues and festive celebrations. Community service includes hot meals for the elderly and holding blood donation drives.

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新加坡人本学会是个代表人本主义(亦称人文主义)者、无神论者、不可知论者、自由思想者的组织,也是国际人文主义者协会 (HI)和国际无神论联盟 (AAI)的成员。成立于 2010 年,本会强调理性的思维 和 仁慈的处世之道。因而,我会会员的信仰与世界观围绕着最新的科学凭证和排除不公的社会歧视。我们定时主办有关科学,理性,伦理和法律的讲座, 并安排会员们参加各种社交活动和社区服务。学会活动有赖于一小组志愿者精心策划,更欢迎新血的参与,以注入新活力。


Our international affiliations include:

  • Humanists International (Associate member; known from 1952 to 2019 as the International Humanist and Ethical Union)
  • Young Humanists International (Full member; known from 2002 to 2019 as the International Humanist and Ethical Youth Union)
    国际人文主义青年协会(正成员;2002年至2019年之间该组织称为“人文伦理青年联盟 ” )
  • Atheist Alliance International (Associate Member)


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