Good Reads

See also: Recommended library books

These articles are written by people who are not necessarily Humanists or Humanist Society (Singapore) members, but they offer good insights into the world of science, politics, philosophy and the art of finding happiness. In other words, articles that Humanists love to read and learn from.

Aware: Lessons from a Fiasco

  • This essay was written during the Aware ‘saga’ in 2009 and first published on a Singapore socio-political website, The Online Citizen. The author, Cherian George, is a respected media scholar, journalist and political commentator. The essay explores the nature of Singapore’s secularism, civil activism and government policies towards religion.

What a secular state should mean

  • This is a column written by Mr Alex Au which explores the meaning of secularism in Singapore’s context. He also explains how secular humanism contributed to the progress of humanity into the modern age.

Muscular vs Liberal Secularism

  • An insightful research paper written by Kumar Ramakrishna from the RSIS. It examines religious fundamentalism as a recurring feature of Singapore’s history, and addresses 2 contending perspectives, the muscular and liberal secularist views, in coping with this fundamentalism.

Good and bad reasons for believing

  • The following letter was written by Richard Dawkins, one of the world’s most respected scientists and an outspoken atheist. It is addressed to his daughter Juliet, who was ten years old at the time. The letter originally appeared as the last chapter of his 2003 book, A Devil’s Chaplain.

Religion, religiosity and values: Implications for consumer behavior

  • A international effort on how religious values affect consumer behavior in Singapore. Five researchers polled 1500 residents in Singapore. Results imply that values, religion and religiousity can be significant influences on consumer attitudes and behavior.

Technological Modernization, the Internet, and Religion in Singapore

  • Given the ongoing debate in the growth of secularization accompanying technological modernization, this study critically examined the ways in which technological modernization and religion co-exist, and even mutually reinforce one another, within the Singaporean context.

The Internet and Religion in Singapore: A National Survey

  • The project aims to investigate and better understand how Singaporeans used the Internet for religious purposes. It found that Christians were most likely to use the Internet, and freethinkers were least likely to use the Internet for religious purposes.The majority of Singaporeans feel that the Internet can be easily used to insult the religion of others, and that there is too much material on the Internet that can be potentially sacrilegious and harmful to religion.